I am pleased to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue on Stealth Assessment in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE)—a Q1 journal (IF = 4.5). This Special Issue seeks to explore the current state and future directions of stealth assessment, particularly in the context of emerging technologies such as Generative AI. We are looking for submissions that include empirical studies, conceptual papers, and theoretical explorations across various domains.
Scope of the Special Issue:
Current Stealth Assessment Research and Development
New Directions in Stealth Assessment
Ethical Considerations
Submission Instructions
Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 November 2024. Please submit your proposal via this [Google form]. Include your name, affiliation, working title, authors, and a 500-word abstract explaining the focus and contributions of your paper.
Decision on Abstracts and Invitation for Full Manuscripts: 20 December 2024
Full Manuscript Submission Deadline: 01 April 2025
Review Comments Available: 01 June 2025 (Additional review cycles if needed)
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline: 15 September 2025
The ecosystem of education in general and Open Online Distance Education in particular is evolving and transforming due to both rapid developments in technology and changes in the socio-economic context. In order to understand these changes, we think that we are at a time when it is important to evaluate the current situation from a holistic perspective and to plan the future by looking at the past. In this context, Open Praxis journal will prioritize systematic literature review, scoping review, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis studies in its 2025 issues.
Within the scope of this call, relevant studies can be conducted on any subject within the scope of Open Praxis journal. These are:
Open education
Lifelong learning
Open and distance learning
Distance education
Online learning
Educational technology
Generative AI
Our expectation in related studies is to have a critical perspective, to analyze the past as well as future trends. Especially in systematic review studies, it is expected to present in-depth findings such as research themes instead of descriptive findings drawn from the database such as the frequency of the number of publications, the distribution of publications by country, the most cited studies.
Accepted papers will be published in regular issues in 2025. For research topics or other inquiries, please contact to Editor-in-Chief Dr. Aras Bozkurt.
The rapid and continuous development of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) holds the power to transform and shift the traditional paradigm of teaching, learning, and training. It has shown great potential to aid in the instructional design process for personalized learning experiences. Yet, there have also been criticisms and concerns about integrating GenAI in the design, teaching, or learning processes.
We invite designers and researchers to contribute to this special issue by presenting their instructional design cases and research that utilizes GenAI in either education or training settings. Our goal is to foster conversations exploring the affordances, impacts, challenges, methodologies, and critical perspectives on incorporating GenAI technologies into various aspects of instructional/training design, including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of instructional or training interventions.
Ultimately, this endeavor aims to optimize GenAI implementations and enhance the efficacy of teaching, training, and learning practices in GenAI-supported learning environments. Specifically, we are looking for two major streams of designs or research, including (1) the application of GenAI to innovate and advance instructional design and its process and (2) the integration of GenAI, Large Language Models, or Automation for pedagogical or training innovations.
The following topics are presented for consideration; however, they do not represent an exhaustive list:
Applied instructional design cases delineating the use of GenAI in the ideation or creation of design materials (e.g., learner personas, storyboarding)
Development and validation of evaluation metrics for GenAI-generated content and design
Design and development of GenAI-supported instructional activities embedded in learning or training (e.g., scenario-based learning, collaborative learning, personalized learning)
Design cases or case studies on the affordances and benefits, challenges and obstacles, as well as ethical considerations of using GenAI in various settings
Empirical studies investigating the impacts of the GenAI design interventions on learning outcomes or training and development
Theoretical and conceptual frameworks focused on design methodologies for using GenAI in applied settings
Critical views of GenAI in applied instructional design
Other topics appropriate to GenAI, instructional design, teaching and learning, and training and development
Submission Timeline and Methods:
Article proposal within 1,000 words (excluding references) due July 22, 2024. Submit your proposal to https://forms.gle/s3fQgMYQCuMGG6gf8 If you have difficulty accessing this form, please email your proposal to Dr. Mohan Yang at mohanyang@tamu.edu and CC all guest editors. Subject line: “JAID AI proposal_last name.”
Invitations for a full manuscript will be sent to the authors by August 16, 2024
Full manuscript due December 30, 2024. Instructions to submit your full manuscript will be shared along with the article invitation
Feedback returned to authors by March 1, 2025 Revised articles due April 1, 2025 Feedback returned to authors by May 1, 2025 Revised articles due May 15, 2025 Final decisions by Jun 1, 2025 Publication in July/August, 2025
Megan Humburg, Indiana University Bloomington Haesol Bae, University at Albany, State University of New York Ingo Kollar, Universität Augsburg
As the development of AI technologies for education continues at a rapid pace (Prahani et al., 2022), the field of the Learning Sciences has a vital role to play in the conversation about how AI tools should be designed and implemented to support learning and teaching along multiple dimensions, including but not limited to sociocultural, psychological (cognitive, motivational, and emotional), and ethical layers. Issues of privacy, surveillance, and algorithmic bias present significant challenges to the design and implementation of AI tools in physical and virtual learning spaces (Akgun & Greenhow, 2021). Many students and teachers also tend to view AI systems as a “black box” in terms of how their information is used (or misused) (Greenwald et al., 2021). Research in the Learning Sciences can help us design and implement AI tools that are effective, responsible, and meaningful for analyzing learning and teaching (Luckin & Cukurova, 2019). As researchers in the Learning Sciences have explored the potential of AI, they have revealed important intersections between AI and learning, such as how AI can support ambitious learning practices (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2022), how to integrate AI with equitable design (Walsh et al., 2022), and youth perspectives and critical sensemaking around AI (Morales-Navarro et al., 2023).
The urgent need to thoughtfully integrate learning theories into the design and teaching of AI is further highlighted by the public conversations occurring in governmental, educational, and industry sectors that seek to establish shared norms for how and why AI tools are used (e.g., The White House, 2023; Council of the EU, 2023; UNESCO, 2023; Software & Industry Information Association, 2023; Ruiz et al., 2022). As we try to make sense of how increasingly powerful AI capabilities may shift practices of teaching and learning, scholars and educators alike have been calling for a deeper understanding of how AI impacts the fabric of learning environments, emphasizing the need to move beyond technical discussions to ethical and practical ones (e.g., Akgun & Greenhow, 2021; Kasneci et al., 2023). Issues such as how to center students’ voices in the AI design process (Hasse et al., 2019), address algorithmic bias and discrimination along gendered and racialized lines (Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018), and improve AI literacy for learners and teachers (Wang & Lester, 2023) are just a few of the many areas in which the Learning Sciences can utilize our theories and methods to make sense of the sociocultural, psychological, and ethical layers of how AI impacts teaching and learning.
Aims and Scope
For this special issue, we invite authors who are exploring AI technologies for teaching and learning through a humanizing lens. We are particularly interested in submissions that leverage human- centered design, participatory design, research-practice partnerships, and other approaches that deeply consider how artificial intelligence impacts learners, educators, and their communities in multifaceted ways. Our goal is to gather perspectives from the Learning Sciences that can help to inform researchers, designers, and users of AI tools of the ways in which AI can be leveraging in dignity-affirming and empowering ways.
Studies might analyze learning and teaching with AI from the perspective of sociocultural, psychological, and ethical layers of learning interactions, ideally weaving several of these layers together in their analysis. We are interested in contributions that explore not only what AI technologies can do for teaching and learning, but also how the integration of AI alters what teaching and the process of learning look like, for better or for worse. How do our notions of assessment, curricular design, and even our understanding of what it means to learn shift when learners utilize advanced generative AI as a part of the learning process? What new opportunities do AI technologies offer to learners in terms of agency and identity, and what risks do they pose for students’ dignity and privacy? What boundaries do we (or should we) create when using these tools for educational pursuits? We welcome both empirical and conceptual/theoretical submissions that explore these grey areas and grapple with both the possibilities and the pitfalls of AI technologies for teaching and learning.
Papers in the special issue could address, but are not limited to, the following themes:
? Impact of AI on Learning and Teaching Processes
? How AI shifts student learning practices, teacher pedagogical practices, and/or definitions of what it means to learn and to teach with AI
? The impact of AI tools on learners’ emotions, social connections, and community
? The impact of AI tools on student engagement
? The skills/competencies learners need to interact productively with generative AI, and how to support these skills
? The Role of a “Human-in-the-Loop” in AI tools for Learning
? Understanding what tasks and responsibilities are appropriate and effective to off-load onto AI tools for teachers and learners
? Finding meaningful balance between teacher involvement and AI-based support for specific learning environments
? Multimodal approaches to AI-driven analysis of learning that integrate human and machine approaches to understanding the learning process, or that bring human-driven and machine-driven analytic approaches into conversation with one another
? Innovative Human-Centered Designs with AI
? Designs of humanizing curriculum for AI-supported learning
? Designs for improving AI literacy for students, teachers, and / or families
? Student, teacher, and family perspectives on AI in learning spaces
? The co-design of AI tools with students and teachers as core participants
? Ethical, Moral, and Critical Considerations
? Ethical and moral dimensions of AI’s impact on learning and teaching, including but not
limited to algorithmic bias and data privacy
? Critical perspectives on the role of AI in learning and teaching
? Evaluation of AI tools and identifying risks
? AI for advancing inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) in education Papers should draw on theories and methods from the Learning Sciences, but integrations/collaborations across multiple disciplines and academic fields are welcome and encouraged. Studies may also explore a wide variety of content domains. In their submissions, we encourage authors to consider questions about who AI tools are designed for, why they are designed, and for what ends. We are interested in studies that richly explore processes of learning and teaching that are supported by AI tools or involved in building AI literacies and are looking particularly for papers that center the learning experiences (rather than centering the technology). In other words, education supported by AI or for learning about AI, rather than AI for education. Learning environments can be conceptualized broadly, and papers may address in- and/or out-of-school contexts, spanning K-12, higher education, and/or adult learning. Papers may also explore a variety of AI-driven technologies, including but not limited to generative AI, large language models, and multimodal learning analytics. Plan for soliciting and organizing articles in the special issue We invite interested authors to submit 1000-word extended abstracts that describe the key ways in which their paper will explore how we as educational researchers and designers can humanize the designs of AI technologies and teaching with AI concepts, centering the needs of learners, teachers, families, and/or communities in our decisions about where, how, and why we integrate AI into learning environments. The guest editors will select from the pool of abstracts and invite selected authors to submit full manuscripts of no more than 10,000 words and follow JLS submission guidelines. All full manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and will receive detailed feedback from the editors, and if accepted, manuscripts will be published according to the timeline below. Abstracts should be submitted to the Qualtrics form here by June 30th, 2024. Feel free to contact the guest co-editors with any questions: Megan Humburg (mahumbur@indiana.edu) Haesol Bae (hbae4@albany.edu) Ingo Kollar (ingo.kollar@phil.uni-augsburg.de) Timeline ? Paper proposals (1000-word abstracts) due June 30th, 2024 ? Decisions on proposals/invitations to contribute full papers July 31st, 2024 ? Full manuscripts due December 31st, 2024 ? The first round of reviews completed February 28th, 2025 ? First round revisions resubmitted May 30th, 2025 ? The second round of reviews completed July 31st, 2025 ? Second round revisions resubmitted October 1st, 2025 ? Requests for minor revisions & final acceptances sent November 1st, 2025 ? Final versions of all papers due December 1st, 2025 ? Special issue published in Spring 2026
Akgun, S., & Greenhow, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: Addressing ethical challenges in K-12 settings. AI and Ethics, 2, 431-440. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-021-00096-7
Buolamwini, J., & Gebru, T. (2018, January). Gender shades: Intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification. In Conference on fairness, accountability and transparency (pp. 77-91). PMLR.
Council of the European Union (2023, December 9). Artificial intelligence act: Council and Parliament strike a deal on the first rules for AI in the world. [Press release]. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/12/09/artificial-intelligence-act- council-and-parliament-strike-a-deal-on-the-first-worldwide-rules-for-ai/
Doroudi, S. (2023) What happened to the interdisciplinary study of learning in humans and machines?, Journal of the Learning Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2023.2260159
Greenwald, E., Leitner, M., & Wang, N. (2021, May). Learning artificial intelligence: insights into how youth encounter and build understanding of AI concepts. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 35, No. 17, pp. 15526-15533).
Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermudez, A., & Gasser, U. (2019). Youth and artificial intelligence: Where we stand. Berkman Klein Center Research Publication.
Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Puntambekar, S., Glazewski, K. D., Lawrence, L., Rummel, N., Aleven, V., Biswas, G., Uttamchandani, S., Saleh, A., Bae, H., Brush, T., Mott, B., Lester, J., Goss, W., Gnesdilow, D., Passonneau, R., Singh, P., Kim, C., & Worsley, M. (2022). Artificial intelligence and ambitious learning practices. In Weinberger, A. Chen, W., Hernández-Leo, D., & Chen, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning – CSCL 2022 (pp. 525-532). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Kasneci, E., Sessler, K., Küchemann, S., Bannert, M., Dementieva, D., Fischer, F., Gasser, U., Groh, G., Günnemann, S., Hüllermeier, E., Krusche, S., Kutyniok, G., Michaeli, T., Nerdel, C., Pfeffer, J., Poquet, O., Sailer, M., Schmidt, A., Seidel, T., Stadler, M., Weller, J., Kuhn, J., & Kasneci, G. (2023). ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences, 103, Article 102274.
Morales-Navarro, L., Kafai, Y. B., Castro, F., Payne, W., DesPortes, K., DiPaola, D., Williams, R., Ali, S., Breazeal, C., Lee, C., Soep, E., Long, D., Magerko, B., Solyst, J., Ogan, A., Tatar, C., Jiang, S., Chao, J., Rosé, C. P., & Vakil, S. (2023). Making sense of machine learning: Integrating youth’s conceptual, creative, and critical understandings of AI. In Blikstein, P., Van Aalst, J., Kizito, R., & Brennan, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2023 (pp. 1640-1649). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Prahani, B. K., Rizki, I. A., Jatmiko, B., Suprapto, N., & Amelia, T. (2022). Artificial intelligence in education research during the last ten years: A review and bibliometric study. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 17(8).
Luckin, R. & Cukurova, M. (2019). Designing educational technologies in the age of AI: A learning
sciences-driven approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50: 2824-2838.
Ruiz, P., Richard, E., Chillmon, C., Shah, Z., Kurth, A., Fekete, A., Glazer, K., Pattenhouse, M., Fusco, J., Fennelly-Atkinson, R., Lin, L., Arriola, S., Lockett, D., Crawford-Meyer, V., Karim, S., Hampton, S., & Beckford, B. (2022). Emerging technology adoption framework: For PK-12 education. [Educator CIRCLS white paper]. Digital Promise. https://doi.org/10.51388/20.500.12265/161
Software & Industry Information Association (2023, October 24). The education technology industry’s principles for the future of AI in Education. https://edtechprinciples.com/principles-for-ai-in- education/
The White House (2023). Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making automated systems work for the American people. Office of Science and Technology Policy. https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/ai- bill-of-rights/
UNESCO (2023). Guidance for generative AI in education and research. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000386693
Walsh, B., Dalton, B., Forsyth, S., Haberl, E., Smilack, J., Yeh, T., Zhang, H., Lee, I., Lin, G. C., Kim, Y. J., Stump, G. S., Stoiber, A., Altuwaiyan, A., Abelson, H., Klopfer, E., Breazeal, C., Wilson, E., Aliabadi, R., Tian, J., Carter, J., Long, D., Magerko, B., & Sengupta-Irving, T. (2022). Aspiring for equity: Perspectives from design of AI education. In Chinn, C., Tan, E., Chan, C., & Kali, Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2022 (pp. 1771-1778). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Wang, N., & Lester, J. (2023). K-12 education in the age of AI: A call to action for K-12 AI literacy. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 33, 228–232. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-023-00358-x
The following list was adapted from Clayton R. Wright’s list.
JUNE 2024
June 3-5 (online) and 10-13 (on-site), 2024 International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 10th. “Focusing on advances in the use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and other extended reality (XR) technologies to support learners”. Technically co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Education Society. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. https://www.immersivelrn.org/iLRN2024 or https://www.immersivelrn.org/ilrn2024/call-for-papers/
June 3-7 and 10-14, 2024 Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI): A Place for Open Digital Scholarship. “DHSI is an ideal environment for discussing, learning, and building skills in the digital humanities.” University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. https://dhsi.org/program/ or https://dhsi.org/
June 6, 2024 The Future of Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. “The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping higher education, impacting student recruitment, teaching, assessment and engagement. AI’s role raises questions about faculty’s future responsibilities and the potential for AI-enabled platforms to offer education anytime, anywhere”. Organized by Contact North, Ontario, Canada. To be held online. https://teachonline.ca/webinars or https://teachonline.ca/webinar/future-higher-education-age-artificial-intelligence
June 9-13, 2024 Institute for Learning in Higher Education (LiHE) International Symposium: Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education – Enhancing Student Motivation, Engagement and Learning, 25th. Aegina, Greece. http://lihe.info/
June 12, 2024 EDUCAUSETeaching and Learning Symposium. Organized by EDUCAUSE “a thriving community of more than 100,000 individuals at member organizations from around the world” who focus on using technology to advance higher education. It has 242+ non-U.S. institutional members. This symposium will be held online. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder or https://events.educause.edu/symposiums/2024/teaching-and-learning
June 12-13, 2024 Science of Learning. Organized by The Learning Guild (Formerly, the eLearning Guild). “Immerse yourself in the latest discoveries from brain science, and examine the role of bias, sociology, and psychology at the Science of Learning Online Conference. Gain valuable insights on creating inclusive learning environments for diverse learners“. To be held online. https://www.learningguild.com/online-conferences/content/5842/online-conferences-home/
June 12-14, 2024 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX): Exploring Archipelago of Ideas – Crafting and Generating Immersive Experiences. “A future where immersive experiences are seamlessly linked, forming a cohesive and immersive narratives for participants.” Hosted by Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. https://imx.acm.org/2024/
June 13-14, 2024 Canadian eLearning Conference, 13th. Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. http://canadianelearning.ca/
June 13-15, 2024 Hong KongAssociation forEducational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) Conference: Transcending Boundaries in the Digital Age – Teaching, Research and Practice. To be held online and at the Ingenium, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. http://www.hkaect.org/ or https://aect.org/allevents.php
June 14-16, 2024 International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET), 10th. Organized by the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. Multimedia University, Malacca University, Malacca, Malaysia. http://www.icfet.org/
June 14-17, 2024 International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL), 9th. “Distance education is prone to further evolution and diffusion, following the changes of technology and culture. We can expect, in particular: • More personalized and adaptive learning, allowing students to blend, at individual pace, varied resources distributed across settings and institutions; • Convergence of multiple technologies in a single device, creating a new level of functionality and interaction; • Development of more effective approaches and regulations for accreditation; • Attempts towards courses’ automation.” South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China. http://icdel.org/
June 16-18 2024 European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Annual Conference: Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Towards Imaginative Futures, 33rd. “Our experiences in the journey with artificial intelligence are still young and can be described as stories of trial and error, so sharing our experiences, expectations and hopes is vital.“ University of Graz, Graz, Austria. https://eden-europe.eu/event/eden-2024-annual-conference/ orhttps://eden-europe.eu/
June 17-20, 2024 United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) National Distance Learning Conference: Gateway to the Future of Distance and Digital Learning, 37th. Tacks include: The Impact of AI on Distance and Digital Learning; Micro-certifications; Leadership tracks; HyFlex Strategies for Success; Student Engagement Techniques; Professional Development for the Online Staff/Faculty; Policy, Regulation and Governance in Distance Education; Distance and Digital Leadership; Ensuring Quality, Flexibility and Access (OER, Hyflex, and more); Innovative Techniques and Technologies; Best Practices in Instructional Design and Learner Engagement; Great IDEAs: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility; What’s Next for Distance Education.) Marriott St. Louis Grand, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. https://usdla.org/2024-national-conference/ or https://adlnet.gov/events/
June 17-20, 2024 Learning DevCamp: Collaboration and Learning at Its Best, 10th. This event focuses on creating learning solutions from content to tools to platforms. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. http://learningdevcamp.com/
June 17-20, 2024 MagicSchool Artificial Intelligence for Teachers. Focuses “on utilizing the MagicSchool AI platform to lesson plan, create units, differentiate, translate, write assessments and IEPs, and much more in a fraction of the time!”. Organized by EdTechTeacher, Coventry, Rhode Island, USA. Offered online. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/
June 17-21, 2024 LondonEdTech Week. “Showcasing the Now and Next of the future of learning and work”. (40+ events around London; 5,000+ attendees) London, United Kingdom. http://londonedtechweek.com/
June 18-19, 2024 National Association of Disability Practitioners (NADP-UK) International Conference 25th. The exact venue was not available when this list was compiled. However, the event will be held in Warwickshire, United Kingdom with an online event July 3, 2024. https://nadp-uk.org/
June 19-21, 2024 International Conference on Math Education and Technology (ICMET), 2nd. “In addition to digital tools in Mathematics education, we address related topics such as STE(A)M – Science, Technology, Engineering (Arts) and Mathematics.” University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. https://www.ams.org/meetings/calendar/mathcal or https://icmet.web.ua.pt/
June 20-21, 2024 EdTech World Forum. (200+ attendees) Kensington Conference and Event Centre, London, United Kingdom. https://edtechconferences.london/
June 21-23, 2024 International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (ICSLT), 10th. Co-sponsored by Academia Musicale Studio Musica, Treviso and the University of Portsmouth. To be held in Rome, Italy. http://www.icslt.org/
June 23-26, 2024 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 16th. “Creativity involves the generation, exploration, and interpretation of novel and valuable ideas, and spans a wide variety of fields, including the humanities, social sciences, engineering, art, design, choreography, computer science, psychology, and education.” Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://cc.acm.org/2024/ or https://sigchi.org/conferences/upcoming/
June 23-27, 2024 Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES) Institute. Organized by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U, USA). Lansdowne Resort, Leesburg, Virginia, USA. http://www.aacu.org/events or https://www.aacu.org/event/2024-tides
June 24-27, 2024 Artificial Intelligence to Create and Manage Learning Activities. Organized by EdTechTeacher, Coventry, Rhode Island, USA in its 22nd year of offering summer workshops. Offered online. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/
June 24-28, 2024 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and InnovationConference (ICE/IEEE ITMC): Digital Transformation on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, 30th. (IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society, ITEMS). Hosted by the UNINOVA, Madeira, Portugal. http://www.ice-conference.org/ or https://mdtweek.digit-madeira.pt/ice/
July 1-3, 2024 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN): Connecting Technology with Education, 16th. (800+ attendees during face-to-face events) Palma de Mallorca, Spain. http://iated.org/edulearn/ or https://iated.org/conferences
July 1-5, 2024 EdMedia + Innovate Learning Online (Formerly Innovate Learning Summit which was previously known as the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning) Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), “founded in 1981, is an international non-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application.” Brussels, Belgium. https://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/ or http://www.aace.org/conf/
July 9-11 2024 International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), 23rd. Chania, Crete, Greece. http://www.icicte.org/
July 9-11, 2024 InstructureCon North America: Making Moments.Focus on Canvas, a learning management system. The Venetian Resort, Las Vegas, USA. https://www.canvaslms.com/news/instructurecon/
July 15-17, 2024 Anthology Together. “Combining the best of Anthology and Blackboard’s annual conferences. (1,800+ attendees from 27 countries, 250+ sessions) Anthology Inc. “provides software solutions to postsecondary institutions that assist with student enrollment, student success, learning effectiveness, and alumni advancement”. Blackboard is a learning management system. Orlando World Center Marriott, Orlando, Florida, USA https://community.anthology.com/events#upcoming-events or https://www2.anthology.com/together or https://community.anthology.com/events/item/121/2676
July 15-19, 2024 European Congress of Mathematics (ECM), 9th, held every four years (quadrennial). Organized by the European Matematical Society (EMS) “a learned society for mathematicians throughout Europe. It promotes the development of all aspects of mathematics in Europe, in particular mathematical research, relations of mathematics to society, relations to European institutions, and mathematical education.” Seville, Spain. https://www.ecm2024sevilla.com/ or https://www.ams.org/meetings/calendar/mathcal
July 22-24, 2024 Distance Teaching and Learning (DT&L), 40th, and Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable (SOLA+R). “Whether it’s leveraging cutting-edge tools for teaching or reimagining administrative processes, our discussions will focus on how digital transformation is reshaping the educational experience.” Organized by the University Professional and Continuing Education Association based in Washington, D.C. This event will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. https://conferences.upcea.edu/DTL-SOLAR2024/ or https://upcea.edu/events/ or https://www.edsurge.com/events
July 28-31, 2024 Distance Learning Administration. For those who “hold a keen interest or play an active role in the strategic planning, governance, implementation, and performance assessment of distance learning programs.” Organized by the University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, USA and the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration. Jekyll Island Club Hotel, Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA. https://dlajekyll.com/
July 29-August 1, 2024 Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD Network) Institute for New Educational Developers (INED): A Taxonomy of Evidence-Based and Equitable Educational Development Goals. Hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. This event will be held online. https://podnetwork.org/news-events/institute-for-new-educational-developers-ined/
July 30-31, 2024 Distance Ed at a Crossroads (in the USA). The Changing Landscape of New Regulations. “Significant changes are being proposed for distance education courses and programs. If implemented, these new regulations will majorly affect your online courses, programs, and services to students“. Organized by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET). Marriott St. Louis Grand, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. https://wcet.wiche.edu/events/distance-ed-at-a-crossroads-the-changing-landscape-of-new-regulations/ or https://www.edsurge.com/events
August 3-9, 2024 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 33rd. “International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence is a non-profit corporation founded in California, in 1969 for scientific and educational purposes, including dissemination of information on Artificial Intelligence at conferences in which cutting-edge scientific results are presented and through dissemination of materials…” Jeju Island, South Korea. https://www.ijcai.org/ or https://ijcai24.org/call-for-papers-ai-arts-creativity/ or https://conferences.smcnetwork.org/
August 13, 2024 Teaching and Learning Conference at Elon University: Divergent Teaching – Empathy, Rigor, and Beyond, 20th annual. Jointly sponsored by Elon’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) and Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT), Elon, North Carolina, USA. In 2024, this free event will be held online. https://www.elon.edu/u/bft/technology/tlt/tlc/
August 23-26, 2024 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology & World Rehabilitation Robot Convention: Intelligent Technology Empowers the Future of Rehabilitation. Shanghai, China. https://www.icreateasia.com/
August 27-30, 2024 European Conference on Educational Research: Education in an Age of Uncertainty – Memory and Hope for the Future. Organized by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. https://eera-ecer.de/conferences/ecer-2024-nicosia
September 3-5, 2024 International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT): Doing, Reflecting, Improving, and Collaborating. “The conference provides a valuable and practical forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and policy-makers from education and industry to solve problems, explore, reflect, influence and learn“ about technology and digital education. This year’s theme will focus on: “cultivating collaboration; reviewing, reflecting, re-imagining; inviting improvement; and, emerging research”. (500+ attendees) Manchester, United Kingdom. https://www.alt.ac.uk/altc or https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2024/
September 12-13, 2024 World Congress on Learning Disabilities: Making It Stick – Evidence-based Practices to Improve Learning for Students with SLD”, 32nd annual. Organized by Learning Disabilities Worldwide Inc. based in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. To be held at the University of Malta, Valetta, Malta. https://www.ldworldwide.org/ or https://www.ldworldwide.org/worldcongress
September 13-15, 2024 Brain, Body, Cognition. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. https://www.movementis.com/
September 16-20, 2024 European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL): Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures, 19th. Organized by the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL). The University for Continuing Education Krems, Krems, Austria. https://ea-tel.eu/organization/ectel-2024 or https://ea-tel.eu/
September 17-20, 2024 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual International Conference on Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families: The Future of Inclusive Practices – Creating Equitable Access, Participation, and Supports, 40th. Hilton Riverside New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.decconference.org/
September 18-20, 2024 Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME): Belonging – The Centre of the Student Experience. To be held at the University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia. https://www.acds.edu.au/ or https://www.acds.edu.au/acsme-2024/
September 19-20, 2024 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit, 31st annual. Organized by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA. To be held online. https://facultydevelopment.kennesaw.edu/scholarly-teaching/sotl-summit/
September 26-27, 2024 International Conference on e-Learning, 15th. Belgrade Metropolitan University, Belgrade, Serbia. https://elearning.metropolitan.ac.rs/
October 1-3 (online) 19-23, 2024 (face-to-face) Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. (Since 1923, AECT has promoted “scholarship and best practices in the creation, use, and management of technologies for effective teaching and learning.” Members are often found in “colleges and universities, in the Armed Forces and industry, in museums, libraries, and hospitals”. The organization produces two bimonthly journals, Educational Technology Research and Development and TechTrends. AECT is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana, USA.) In 2024, this event will be held at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. https://aect.org/allevents.php or https://convention.aect.org/ or https://aect.org/events/calendar
October 1-4, 2024 Educational Technology Collaborative (ETC) Annual Conference: Bringing Innovation to Life. (The ETC was previously known as the Consortium of College and University Media Centers, CCUMC) Hosted by Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. https://www.ccumc.org/
October 2-3, 2024 British Educational Training and Technology Show(BETT) Asia: Transforming Minds for a Sustainable Future, 10th. (2,400+ unique attendees, from 40+ countries) Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. https://asia.bettshow.com/Home or https://uk.bettshow.com/experience-bett
October 2-4, 2024 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) Association Conference: Universities as Change Agents in Society – Imagining Social Innovation for Sustainable Futures. Hosted by the Nelson Mandela University in Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth), Eastern Cape, South Africa. https://hetl.mandela.ac.za/ or https://www.ieaa.org.au/IEAA/Events/External-Event.aspx?EventKey=EXT021024
October 7-10, 2024 E-Learn World Conference on EdTech. Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Singapore. https://aace.org/
October 8-10, 2024 Open Education Conference: It’s About Time, 21st. “Focuses on sharing and learning about open educational resources, open pedagogy, and open education initiatives. This dynamic gathering celebrates the core values of open education that strive to realize education ecosystems that are accessible, affordable, equitable and inclusive to everyone, regardless of their background.” In 2024, this event will be held online and at the Omni Providence Hotel, Providence, Rhode, Island, USA. https://openeducationconference.org/ or https://openeducationconference.org/about
October 8-11, 2024 The Design and Accessibility Summit. “Learn practical techniques for building accessible documents with InDesign, Acrobat, PowerPoint, and other tools widely used by creative professionals.” Organized by Creative Pro Network based in Woodinville, Washington, USA. To be held online. https://creativepro.com/events/ or https://creativepro.com/design-accessibility-summit/
October 16-18, 2024 IEEE Digital Education and MOOCS Conference, 10th. “Offers academic, government, and industry professionals a platform to explore research pertaining to MOOCs, as well as the practical aspects of developing and delivering MOOCs and digital education to diverse global audiences. Now, in its tenth edition, DEMOcon stands as a renowned international forum for collaboration, networking, learning, and sharing the latest advancements in MOOCs and digital education“. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. https://ieee-edusociety.org/conferences/complete-listing-events or https://ieee-edusociety.org/event/ieee-digital-education-and-moocs-conference-2024
October 17-18, 2024 International Conference on Learning Disabilities, 46th annual. Organized by the Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) “dedicated to advocacy, education and collaboration to support all individuals with learning disabilities”. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. http://www.council-for-learning-disabilities.org/
October 17-18, 2024 The International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL) Conference on Humanizing Digital Learning Spaces: From High Tech to High Touch. “This conference promotes empathy and human connection as essential components in education. By leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, educators are empowered to focus on implementing robust pedagogical strategies and deliver engaging learning experiences.” The Eagle Institute – Air University, Montgomery, Alabama, USA. http://www.isetl.org/conference-info/
October 17-18, 2024 International Conference on Technology, Learning and Education (CITAE): Transforming Education in the Digital Age, 4th. The event “is open to all educational sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary) in Ibero-America”. It will cover “emerging technologies in education, innovative methodologies for current education, internationalization of the curriculum, and educational management and technological policies”. Organized by the International Network of Researchers in Education (REDIIE). To be held online and in Santiago, Chile. https://rediie.cl/citae-2024/
October 19-23, 2024 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention: Discover the Future of Teaching and Learning with Technology. “AECT represents and engages a wide variety of educational professionals, including instructional designers, PK-12 teachers, higher education faculty, education administrators, and industry training leaders, who seek to provide leadership and advise policymakers on enriching and sustaining teaching and learning…The 2024 conference marks our next hundred years as an organization. As we continue to address critical issues within our field and in our larger societies, we call upon the field to consider sharing their scholarship, practice, and stories related to the use of technology and the creation of inclusive, equitable, and ethical learning environments, including examples of technoethics or restorative justice in practical contexts.” Kansas City, Missouri, USA. https://convention.aect.org/
October 21-24 (on-site) and November 13-14 (online), 2024 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. For higher education instructional technologyprofessionals and technology providers from around the world. EDUCAUSE is “a thriving community of more than 100,000 individuals at member organizations from around the world” who focus on using technology to advance higher education. It has 242+ non-U.S. institutional members. This event eill be held online and in San Antonio, Texas, USA. https://events.educause.edu/annual-conference/2024 or https://events.educause.edu/3-year-event-calendar or https://events.educause.edu/event-finder
October 21 & 24, 2024 Data Storytelling. Organized by EnCompass, a consulting company that offers “customized solutions for leadership, capacity strengthening, technical assistance, and monitoring and evaluation” to clients in more than 70 countries. EnCompass is based in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. To be held online via Zoom. https://encompassworld.com/elc/elc-course-schedule/
October 23-25, 2024 Innovating Higher Education Conference (I-HE2024): Leading the Future of Learning. “The conference explores innovations in hybrid, blended, and online education to pave the way for inclusive and personalised learning experiences. It will address challenges and opportunities faced by universities on both student and societal levels, including generative AI, sustainability, microcredentials, as well as a range of other topics.“ Organized by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU). Hosted by the Open University of Cyprus at the St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus. https://conference.eadtu.eu/
October 26-28, 2024 International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA), 21st. “Aims to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age.“ Zagreb, Croatia. https://www.celda-conf.org/
October 27-29, 2024 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Annual Conference and Expo. Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, California, USA. https://www.aashe.org/conference/
October 28-30, 2024 Ireland International Conference on Education, 26th biannual. “The aim of IICE is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the evolution of pedagogy.” Dún Laoghaire, Ireland. http://www.iicedu.org/
October 28-30, 2024 ASSETS: International Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 26th.Focuses on“the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities and older adults” Organized by theAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (ACCESS). St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. https://assets24.sigaccess.org/
October 28-31, 2024 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL): Recognizing Impact and Reinvigorating Practice, 20th. “The SoTL community has worked to advance scholarly approaches to teaching and learning with the steady accumulation of evidence-based pedagogies and models of reflective inquiry and practice. As we head into our third decade, let’s take time to consider ISSOTL’s past, present, and future by reflecting on the impacts we’ve had.” Hosted by Indiana University Bloomington. The event will be held at French Lick Resort, French Lick, Indiana, USA. https://issotl.com/issotl-events/ or https://issotl.com/issotl24
October 29-31, 2024 eResearch Australasia Conference. Focuses on “new information-centric research capabilities, and how ICT technologies can help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, find, understand and reuse information.“ Hosted by Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO) .Naarm/Melbourne, Australia. https://ardc.edu.au/event/2024-eresearch-australasia-conference/
October 30-November 1, 2024 Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Annual Conference, 50thannual. “The conference is a unique opportunity to learn from educators, employers, and community leaders focused on aligning learning and work so that adults achieve continuous economic advancement.” (2,000+ attendees) Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.cael.org/
October 30-November 2, 2024 Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Conference, 25th annual. Hosted by the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). To be held at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom. https://aoir.org/aoir2024/
November 3-5, 2024 Aurora Institute Symposium: Empowering Learners, Elevating Equity. (Formerly the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) Blended and Online Learning Symposium, USA) In 2024, this event will be held at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://aurora-institute.org/symposium2024/ or https://www.inacol.org/symposium/
November 4-6, 2024 Quality Matters (QM) Connect Conference: Empowering Learners, Enabling Potential. “We’ll explore the ways in which quality assurance can enhance your educational practice — and the outcomes your learners experience“. Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel, Rosemont, Illinois, USA. https://www.qualitymatters.org/index.php/events
November 4-8, 2024 United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) National Distance Learning Week (NDLW). The event will cover the “top AI issues impacting distance/digital learning in the year 2024.” To be held free and online. https://usdla.org/ or https://usdla.org/ndlw/
November 6-8, 2024 DevLearn Conference and Expo, 18th. Focuses on the use of learning technologies. (4,100 attendees). Organized by The Learning Guild (Formerly, the eLearning Guild) which “is a community of practice for those supporting the design, development, strategy, and management of organizational learning“. It is based in New York City, New York, USA. This event will be held at The MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. https://www.learningguild.com/content/24/about-our-conferences/#r360
November 6-8, 2024 CaliforniaEducational Research Association Conference (CERA): Uplifting Research through People, Purpose, and Practice, 103rd annual. The CERA is “a non-profit organization of members in K-12, Higher Education, Research Organizations and Partner Organizations dedicated to assessment, evaluation, conducting and applying educational research, and using data to inform instructional decisions.” South San Francisco (near the airport), California, USA. https://www.caedresearch.org/ or https://www.caedresearch.org/register
November 7-8, 2024 EAI International Conference on Design, Learning and Innovation. Organized by the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) “a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.” Halmstad University, Halmdstad, Sweden. https://eai.eu/eai-conferences/ or https://designlearninginnovation.eai-conferences.org/2024/
November 7 (online) and November 20-23 (in-person), 2024 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference: I Am a Scholar, 49th annual. ASHE is based in Beaverton, Oregon, USA. This event will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. https://www.ashe.ws/conference
November 10-14, 2024 Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD Network) Conference: Relationships at the Core of Educational Development, 49th annual. “Celebrates the pivotal role of relationships within educational development. The success of our students and progress within our institutions are built on the foundations of meaningful connections in our world.” Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://podnetwork.org/49th-annual-conference/
November 12-13, 2024 National Mathematics Summit, 6th. Organized by the National Organization for Student Success (NOSS). Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, USA. https://thenoss.org/Math-Summit
November 15, 2024 International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), 19th. Organized by the University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. To be held exclusively online. https://icvl.eu/
November 15-16, 2024 International Conference on Educational Technology and Innovation (CITIE): Educate for the Future – Innovation, Collaboration and Sustainability in the Digital Age, 4th. “Dedicated to exploring and discussing the latest trends and developments in the field of educational technology, with the aim of promoting transformation and excellence in higher education” Organized by Red Internacional de Investigadores en Educación / International Network of Educational Researchers (REDIIE) based in Chile. This event will be held online from Chile. https://rediie.cl/citie-2024/
November 21-24, 2024 National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Annual Convention and Exhibition, 71st annual. (2,000+ attendees) Seattle ARCH Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, USA. http://www.nagc.org/professional-learning
November 27-29, 2024 Scottish Educational Research Association Conference(SERA): Education in a Fragile World – Past, Present, Future, 47th annual. “With rising inequality, geopolitical conflict, shifts in health and wellbeing, environmental threats, concerns about artificial intelligence, and the Covid-19 pandemic, the opening decades of the 21st century have been marked by signs that the world is becoming increasingly complex, unstable and unpredictable. Education, however, is frequently presented as a process that can help the world avoid or escape from this fragility. While education may be under-funded in many contexts, there is a commitment to offer future initiatives that can lead the world away from fragility”. Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland. https://www.sera.ac.uk/sera-conference-2024/
November 30-December 1, 2024 Ontario Council for Exceptional Children (Ontario CEC): Well-being, Equity, and Success for All – Enhancing Learning and Life Outcomes for Students with Disabilities and/or Gifts and Talents, 68th annual. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. https://ontario.exceptionalchildren.org/cec-ontario-events
December 3-6, 2024 Directors of Educational Technology/California Higher Education (DET/CHE) Conference. “Focusing on common management concerns within academic computing, instructional technology, media services, and distance education across all levels of higher education.” Monterey Marriott, Monterey, California, USA. https://detche.com/
December 4-5, 2024 eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), 19th. This event will focus on “lifelong learning and career adaptability; learning, teaching and education in the era of global digital futures; work-integrated and workplace learning; blended and hybrid pedagogies for better learner engagement; innovation and digital futures; and, artificial intelligence and digital futures”. Hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). http://elfasia.org/
December 13-15, 2024 International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT, covering artificial intelligence, big data, communication networking, image and natural language processing, and digital technology trends), 13th. Danang, Vietnam. https://soict.org/
January 22-24, 2025 British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) UK. (30,000+ attendees from 130+ countries with 500+ companies exhibiting, and 300+ speakers) ExCeL, London, United Kingdom. https://uk.bettshow.com/
January 27-29, 2025 AHEAD Ingenuity Forum. Organized by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). InterContinental New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.ahead.org/events/calendar
February 24-26, 2025 Digital Learning Annual Conference (DLAC): Delivering on the Real Promise of Online, Hybrid and Digital Learning. Organized by the Evergreen Education Group based in Durango, Colorado, USA. Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. https://www.deelac.com/ or https://www.deelac.com/future-dlac-dates
March 7-12, 2025 Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://ate1.org/annual-events
March 17-21, 2025 Society forInformation Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Orlando, Florida, USA. https://aace.org/
April 2-4, 2025 Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT): Design for Sustainable Inclusion, 12th. “Inclusive design, universal access and assistive technology continue to be important topics in light of the ageing population and increased awareness of the diversity of people’s needs.“ Themes: diversity and inclusion, intersectionality, inclusive design in challenging contexts, inclusive design, and artificial intelligence. St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. https://www.inclusivedesigntoolkit.com/conference/
April 2-5, 2025 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) Conference 87th. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. https://www.iteea.org/conference
April 3-4, 2025 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Symposium. This event focuses on “accreditation, assessment and the global exchange of best practices in STEM education”. Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, California, USA. http://www.abet.org/symposium/ or http://symposium.abet.org/
April 24-27, 2025 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Annual Meeting. ACLS “supports the creation and circulation of knowledge that advances understanding of humanity and human endeavors in the past, present, and future, with a view toward improving human experience.” Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. http://www.acls.org/about/annual_meeting/
May 18-21, 2025 Association forTalent Development (ATD) International Conference and Expo. The conference has 9,500+ attendees. ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD, has members from 120+ countries. This event will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C., USA. https://atdconference.td.org/ or https://atdconference.td.org/upcoming-events
June 29-July 2, 2025 ASCD Annual Conference: Leading Without Limits. Organized by ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. This event will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA. https://event.ascd.org/ASCD2025/
August 25-29, 2025 European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: Realising Potentials through Education – Shaping the Minds and Brains for the Future, 21st biennial. “Education is envisioned as a transformative force to unlock and realise the potential of every individual, irrespective of personal background or circumstances. Its goal is to empower individuals to discover their strengths and develop talents that positively impact their lives and their communities” Hosted by the University of Graz, Graz, Austria. https://www.earli.org/events/earli2025
August ?, 2025 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT, 20th biennial. The 19th was held August 28-September 1, 2023. It was organized by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). University of York, York, United Kingdom. https://interact2023.org/
October 6-10, 2025 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) International Conference and Exposition, 74th annual. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. https://www.aaace.org/page/Conference
May 17-20, 2026 Association for Talent Development (ATD) International Conference and Expo. The conference has 9,500+ attendees. ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD, has members from 120+ countries. This event will occur at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. https://atdconference.td.org/ or https://atdconference.td.org/upcoming-events
July ?, 2026 International Congress of Mathematicians, held every four years. Previously held July 6-14, 2022 online. Originally planned to take place in Saint Petersburg, Russia, then the General Assembly was held in Helsinki, Finland. https://www.mathunion.org/icm-2022