Please consider submitting a chapter for “Handbook of Research on Adult Learning in Higher Education” textbook.
The editorial team is soliciting chapters on a broad range of topics that focus on teaching, learning, innovations, challenges, and trends in adult education. You can find additional information in the attached call for chapter proposals document.
The purpose of the handbook is to provide a critical review of adult education as an academic discipline. It will examine foundations and trends in adult education from different academic lens. The focus of the handbook is to use emerging knowledge, data, and artifacts to expand the understanding of adult education. This handbook will also examine empirical research in adult education focusing on the impact of culture, globalization, and emerging technology.
Some chapter topics are:
- Foundations of Adult Education and the Principles of Andragogy
- Emerging Theories in Adult Education
- Emerging Trends and Issues in Adult Education
- The Changing Characteristics of Adult Learners
- Online Learning and Effective Use of Online Discussion
- Virtual Reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Graphics (Infographics) and Learning
- Gamification
- Simulation in Adult Learning
- Globalization and Adult Education
If you are interested, please submit a two-page Chapter Proposal to publish/call-for-papers/ submit/3627 by the following dates, early submission is January 6th and late submission is February 5, 2019. Note that full chapter submission should be submitted to submission/submit-chapter/? projectid=d6047027-8d75-4b92- bbfe-9c470469dc04 by May 6, 2019.