Category Archives: General

Examples of instructional / educational websites

I have worked with some amazing people over the years. One of them is Lisa O’Reilly. Below are some examples of the work she has done which are great examples of instructional websites and specifically self-paced training.

You can check out her work at:

Below are two examples of her work.

Learning Contracts
Colorado Patient Navigator Training Program

Assessment & Instructional Alignment
Screen Shot of Assessment and Instructional Alignment

Call for Chapters – Online Learning: Common Misconceptions, Benefits, and Challenges

Call for Chapters
Online Learning: Common Misconceptions, Benefits, and Challenges

Editors: Patrick Lowenthal, Cindy York, and Jennifer Richardson
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers

The deadline for abstracts outlining what you want to contribute is May 5, 2013 and for the completed chapter is July 1, 2013.

Possible areas to be addressed include but are not limited to the following:
• Academic honesty and online learning
• Lurking and student engagement
• Benefits of MOOCs
• The future of MOOCs
• Limitations of MOOCs
• Online learning and class size
• Informal Learning
• Moving beyond learning styles
• Challenges of K12 online learning
• Critical thinking and online learning
• Challenges communicating in online learning environments
• Benefits of synchronous communication
• Limitations of asynchronous threaded discussions
• Assessing asynchronous threaded discussions
• Learning analytics and student performance
• Evaluating online learning
• Mobile computing and online learning
• The role of the teacher
• Instructor workload teaching online
• Assessing student learning
• Online Professional development
• Attrition and online learning
• The future of online learning
• Open educational resources
• Personal learning networks
• Social media and online learning
• Constraints of learning management systems

For consideration to be included in this edited book, please send a 250 – 500 word abstract and a brief bio to

Send any questions to Patrick Lowenthal (

Notes from the editors: The contributions for this edited book are intended to range from 3,000 – 5,000 words. This is not a peer-reviewed book. Even if your abstract is accepted, there are no guarantees that your final chapter will be accepted. Finally, please be aware of the aggressive timeline for both the abstract and the final chapter.

Here is a PDF version of the Call for Chapters

Recordings from the 2012 Northwest Managers of Educational Technology (NW/MET) Conference

I moved to the northwest about two years ago. I have been impressed with some of the regional organizations such as the Northwest Managers of Educational Technology. You can see a list of recordings from their 2012 conference online ( or below:

2011 NWeLearn Conference: Recordings

South Seattle Community College has archives from the 2011 Northwest eLearn Conference posted on their website:

Descriptions of Recorded Sessions below are outlined in this schedule (link)
  1. Advanced Angel & Angel 8.0 Jump-Start = Tegrity Recording
  2. Instructional Design for Online & Blended Courses = MediaSite Recording
  3. Designing Learning Experiences with Moodle Joule 2 = Tegrity Recording
  4. Assessing Learning Gains Using Online Tools = MediaSite Recording
  5. From Meh…to Enhanced Media Courses = MediaSite Recording
  6. iPads and Education: The Flexibility Factor (first 60 mins)
    = MediaSite Recording
  7. Using Video Production Tools in the Classroom (last 60 mins) = MediaSite Recording
  8. Lessons Learned from the Open Course Library = Tegrity Recording
  9. Making Quality Matters Work for Your School = Tegrity Recording
  10. Rocket Surgery 101: Simple DIY Usability Testing to Improve = Tegrity Recording
  11. Teaching Partially Clothed: For Those Not Ready for “Naked” = MediaSite Recording
  12. Putting Faculty & Students First: Impacting Educator Efficiency = Tegrity Recording
  13. Students, Faculty and Privacy in the Web 2.0 World = MediaSite Recording
  14. Can elearning platforms transfer know-why knowledge? = Tegrity Recording
  15. Teaching Online – Guidelines to Support Online Faculty = MediaSite Recording
  16. Digital Course Material Strategy = Tegrity Recording
  17. Bringing eLearning to the ABE & ESL Classroom = Collaborate Recording
  18. Implementing Online Culturally Relevant Graduate Programs = Tegrity Recording
  19. New Tools and Strategies for Collaborative Learning = MediaSite Recording
  20. 3D Rubric for Online Course Creation & Auditing = Tegrity Recording
  21. Engaging Diverse Generations in Online Learning = MediaSite Recording
  22. Quality Assurance & Mentoring in an Online Program = MediaSite Recording
  23. Building Community in the Online Classroom = Tegrity Recording

Find the Right Journal for your Manuscript

Springer has a new tool that helps academics find the right journal for their next manuscript.
You simply copy / paste your abstract into the field and it lists a number of possible journals that you might choose to submit your manuscript to.

You can access the tool here: Springer’s Journal Finding Tool

Springer’s website explains the way it works:

“Select the journal that suits your research best from over 2,600 Springer publications.
The Springer Journal Selector uses semantic technology to help you quickly choose the Springer journal that is right for your paper. Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text and the Springer Journal Selector provides a list of relevant journals. You can refine the results based on requirements for Impact Factor or publishing model, including an option to match to journals that are fully open access or have open access options.”

It appears like the tool was original built by Edanz –