Hodges, C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (2020). Facilitating your online course: Where to focus your efforts when a course is in progress. In M. Brown, M. Nic Giolla-Mhichil, E. Bernie, & E. Costello (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 ICDE World Conference on Online Learning (Vol. 1; pp. 420-430). Dublin.
An increasing number of online instructors find themselves teaching online courses that they did not design and in which they might have little ability to edit and update. However, there are still many ways that online instructors in situations like this can influence and improve the online learning experience for students in their courses. Based on a summary of online course quality assurance frameworks, the authors of this paper have identified communications with students and instructions to students as areas that easily can be addressed when a course is in progress. In this paper, the authors provide evidence-based strategies online instructors can add to their repertoire for communications with students and instructions to students to enhance the facilitation of their in progress, online courses. While this paper is intended for instructors with limited permission to modify aspects of their courses, the information that is included will be useful for all online instructors.
Keywords: Online teaching, Facilitation strategies, Quality assurance, Presence, instructor feedback, Asynchronous courses