Top ten from the eLearning Coach

From my inbox:

I am a big fan of Connie Malamed’s blog, The eLearning Coach. Check it out –! And check out the top 10 most read articles in 2013.

10 Best Freebies 

  1. Compfight: Free Flickr search tool with a Creative Commons filter to find pictures you can use for free (often with attribution).
  2. Scoop-it: Popular curation/magazine tool
  3. Quizmaker: Free quiz creation tool from iSpring
  4. Chart-Chooser: Identify the most effective chart type to use for various purposes
  5. Levelator: Brings audio levels to one consistent level. Easy to use.
  6. Cut-out People: Cut-outs of people walking, etc.
  7. Stock.Xchang: Free images. Search or Browse, then scroll down for the free ones. (Must register to use.)
  8. PowToon: Create animated videos and presentations
  9. Captivate 7 and Articulate Storyline Comparison Chart: Updated version. Look for the download button.
  10. Design Thinking: Booklet from Stanford’s D.School explaining a well-established approach to Design Thinking.

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