Call for Presentations: Learning Analytics, Quantified Self, & Personalized/Personal Learning: Keeping up with big data

Call for Presentations

AECT-ICEM-USA Graduate Students Panel Presentations in Emerging Technologies: Learning Analytics, Quantified Self, & Personalized/Personal Learning: Keeping up with big data


An active professional community should observe and facilitate the contributions of graduate students.  ICEM-USA has long history of support for graduate students’ professional and personal growth. ICEM-USA is committed to build and support a learning community for ICEM graduate students.


  1. This panel discussion is a collaborative session that provides a forum for graduate students from all over the world to share their research and practices in emerging technologies at AECT 2016 conference, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
  2. Up to six panelists will be selected.  Each student would have 5-10 minutes (vary from the numbers of participants)  to present their current research or practices on the annual emerging technology theme.
  3. An ICEM-USA professional member will facilitate this panel discussion while ICEM-USA professional members will serve as commentators at the end of the discussions to support graduate students panelists to continue and improving their professional growth in the theme topics.

Theme for 2016: Learning Analytics, Quantified Self, & Personalized/Personal Learning: Keeping up with big data

  • Any topics in the annual theme
  • The topics can be research based, practices, technology demonstration, case study etc.


  • Any graduate students who study anywhere on earth at the time of submitting the proposals.
  • If the proposal is accepted, the participants are required:
    • to agree to present at the AECT annual conference
    • to register for the AECT annual conference.
    • to join as an AECT student member
  • Because of budget concerns, ICEM, the sponsor to this session, will not be able to reimburse costs associated with this session.

Selection Criteria


  • Proposal Due Date: June 30, 2016
  • Author Notification: July 31, 2016
  • Proposal: One-page in length.  E-mail to Chih-Hsiung Tu at:
  • Presentation date/time at the AECT conference: To be announced when the AECT conference program is published.
  • All student presenters are invited to attend ICEM-USA membership meeting. Date/Time to be announced

Please forward any correspondence to Chih-Hsiung Tu Ph.D., ICEM-U.S.A. Deputy, at


The Association for Educational Communications & Technology
320 W. 8th Street. Suite 101
Bloomington, Indiana 47404
Office: 812-335-7675