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I recently came across the following article on presence written by Annie Jézégou titled: Presence in E-learning : Theoretical Model and Perspectives for Research.
This article proposes a model of presence in e-learning that has some similarities with but also some important distinctions from the model of community of inquiry in e-learning (Garrison & Anderson, 2003). It addresses the notion of presence from a different angle, characterizes and specifies it differently. The author outlines the epistemological referents of the model proposed. Then, she describes the interaction processes at work in each of the three dimensions of the model: socio-cognitive presence (1), socio-affective presence (2) and pedagogical presence (3). She also provides a schematic representation of this model. Then, she shows how its three dimensions can be related to each another and presents the main hypotheses that result from these relations. In conclusion, the author outlines that theoretical and empirical research is needed to confirm the relevance of the model proposed, to identify its strengths and to suggest axes for improvement.
Access the article online:
Call for Chapters
Online Learning: Common Misconceptions, Benefits, and Challenges
Editors: Patrick Lowenthal, Cindy York, and Jennifer Richardson
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
The deadline for abstracts outlining what you want to contribute is May 5, 2013 and for the completed chapter is July 1, 2013.
Possible areas to be addressed include but are not limited to the following:
• Academic honesty and online learning
• Lurking and student engagement
• Benefits of MOOCs
• The future of MOOCs
• Limitations of MOOCs
• Online learning and class size
• Informal Learning
• Moving beyond learning styles
• Challenges of K12 online learning
• Critical thinking and online learning
• Challenges communicating in online learning environments
• Benefits of synchronous communication
• Limitations of asynchronous threaded discussions
• Assessing asynchronous threaded discussions
• Learning analytics and student performance
• Evaluating online learning
• Mobile computing and online learning
• The role of the teacher
• Instructor workload teaching online
• Assessing student learning
• Online Professional development
• Attrition and online learning
• The future of online learning
• Open educational resources
• Personal learning networks
• Social media and online learning
• Constraints of learning management systems
For consideration to be included in this edited book, please send a 250 – 500 word abstract and a brief bio to
Send any questions to Patrick Lowenthal (
Notes from the editors: The contributions for this edited book are intended to range from 3,000 – 5,000 words. This is not a peer-reviewed book. Even if your abstract is accepted, there are no guarantees that your final chapter will be accepted. Finally, please be aware of the aggressive timeline for both the abstract and the final chapter.
The Lectora eLearning Team compiled a list of “Top 10” resources to help inspire eLearning professionals.
Check out the resources below. There are some good ones.
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