Tag Archives: Publishing

Find the Right Journal for your Manuscript

Springer has a new tool that helps academics find the right journal for their next manuscript.
You simply copy / paste your abstract into the field and it lists a number of possible journals that you might choose to submit your manuscript to.

You can access the tool here: Springer’s Journal Finding Tool

Springer’s website explains the way it works:

“Select the journal that suits your research best from over 2,600 Springer publications.
The Springer Journal Selector uses semantic technology to help you quickly choose the Springer journal that is right for your paper. Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text and the Springer Journal Selector provides a list of relevant journals. You can refine the results based on requirements for Impact Factor or publishing model, including an option to match to journals that are fully open access or have open access options.”

It appears like the tool was original built by Edanz –