Social presence and communication technologies: Tales of trial and error


Lowenthal, P. R., & Mulder, D. (2017). Social presence and communication technologies: Tales of trial and error. In A. Whiteside, A. Garrett Dikkers, & K. Swan, (Eds.), Social presence in online learning: Multiple perspectives on practice and research (pp. 32-44). Sterling, VA: Stylus.


From its inception social presence theory has focused on how technology influences communication. As communication technologies evolved, online educators have experimented with how to best leverage the affordances of communication technologies to establish teachers and students as being “real” and “there” in online courses. In this chapter we provide a background of the relationship between social presence and technology, we then summarize research adopting a “social presence as technologically-facilitated” lens, and conclude with some implications for practice.

Keywords: Social Presence, Technology, Computer-mediated Communication, Computer-mediated Discourse

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