Lowenthal, P. R., Thomas, D., Thai, A., Yuhnke, B., Edwards, M., & Gasell, C. (Eds.). (2011). The CU Online Handbook, 2011. Lulu.
Keywords: Faculty development, teaching online, online learning, course design, media,
You can also access individual chapters below.
Introduction by Patrick R. Lowenthal
Trends and Issues with Online Learning
1. Creating Standards for Online Courses Kathleen L. Pounders
2. “You Can Do it in your Jammies” and Other Things We Should Never Say About Learning Online Patrick R. Lowenthal & Joanna C. Dunlap
3. The Power of Visuals and Hands-On Play with Online Learning Elizabeth C. Conner
4. Embracing the shift: Edupunk, Teaching Naked, Social Media and making it all work in the classroom Howard Cook
5. Death to the digital dropbox: Rethinking Student Privacy and Public Performance Patrick R. Lowenthal & David Thomas
6. Effectively Organizing Student Work Groups in an Online Learning Environment Jeffrey R. Nystrom
7. Evolution and Transformation: From Physical to Virtual Classroom, from Teaching to Learning Rodney Muth
8. Remember the Importance of the Human Touch Kelly Bergman
Technology in Action
9. Jazzed about Jing Margarita Bianco & Dan McCollom
10. Getting to Know You: The First Week of Class and Beyond Joanna C. Dunlap & Patrick R. Lowenthal
11. “What’s Your Story?” Using Digital Storytelling to Enhance 21st Century Skills Sherri Clemens & Melissa Kreider
12. Telling Stories and Teachable Moments: The Possibility of Adobe Connect Barbara J. Dray
13. Critical and Creative Thinking: Embrace Xtranormal Stephanie Townsend
14. Experimenting with Google Docs for Group Projects Storm Gloor
15. Horton Hears a Tweet Joanna C. Dunlap & Patrick R. Lowenthal
16. Driving Student Engagement and Focus in an Accelerated Biology Class Using Blogs Tod Duncan
17. Best Practices for Web Conferencing with Adobe Connect Pro Jozianne Mestas
18. Lecture Capture Made Easy with Panopto David Paul
19. Taking Class to the Airwaves: BlogTalkRadio Connie L. Fulmer
20. Supporting Faculty Through Podcasting Anna Thai & Brian Yuhnke
21. Using Reflection Surveys to Improve Teaching and Learning Jackie Dobrovolny & Patrick R. Lowenthal.