Category Archives: Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS: on “Innovation in Technologies for Educational Computing”

*** Call for Papers ***

Joint Special Issue of IEEE TETC and TLT on “Innovation in Technologies for Educational Computing”

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT)


*** Guest Editors ***

Fabrizio Lamberti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Gwo-Jen Hwang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Baltasar Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Wenping Wang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

*** Topics of interest ***

The goal of this joint Special Issue is to provide an overview of most recent emerging and “fringe” learning technologies. Sample topics of interest include:

1. Virtual, augmented and mixed reality: game-based learning, edutainment, gamification, intrinsic integration of game mechanics, virtual worlds and communities for education and training, digital humans and avatars in education, work-based and augmented learning

2. Learning at Scale: service-oriented architectures for learning, MOOCs, interoperability of learning systems, standards for knowledge sharing, open educational resources, linked open data, ontologies and reasoning

3. Ubiquitous and wearable computing: educational applications of sensor-based learning, smart watches and activity trackers, body sensor networks, ego-vision devices and life-logging equipment, Internet of Things, smart environments, context-aware services and tools

4. Social computing: educational data mining and filtering on social networks, social media for e-learning and e-assessment, social learning at scale, informal learning in social communities, peer review and assessment, trust and reputation in social communities

5. Big Data and data analytics: modeling of learners and learning processes, learning analytics, educational data mining, student profiling, behavioral and emotional analytics, learning data visualization, quantified self

6. Intelligent systems: adaptive learning, recommender systems, tools for smart tutoring and training, pedagogical agents and assistants, course and material personalization

7. Learning in the making: 3D printers and computer-controlled fabrication devices, open micro-controller, sensor and actuator technologies, smart programming environments, robotics

8. Human-computer interaction: natural and multi-modal interfaces, conversational agents, affective computing, interactive tabletops and surfaces, innovative interaction devices and techniques

*** Submission instructions ***

This partial list is not exclusive and does not cover all novel learning technologies. As a part of the submission letter the authors are requested to argue why the technology presented in the submission should be counted as “emergent” and “cutting edge”.

Submitted papers must describe original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Authors are responsible for understanding and adhering to submission guidelines published on the IEEE Computer Society website (

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts focused on odd labeled topics directly to Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) at and papers focused on even labeled topics directly to Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT) at

In special cases, authors are welcome to submit to the journal of their choice. Although with the above choice the authors are indicating which Transaction represents the primary target of their submission, they should be aware that papers may be published in TETC or TLT depending on the availability of space with the final allocation at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief of the respective Transactions.

Correspondence should be addressed to:

*** Important dates ***

– Submission Deadline: December 1, 2016
– Reviews Completed: March 1, 2017
– Major Revisions Due (if Needed): April 1, 2017
– Reviews of Revisions Completed (if Needed): May 1, 2017
– Minor Revisions Due (if Needed): June 1, 2017
– Notification of Final Acceptance: July 1, 2017
– Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: August 1, 2017
– Publication date: October-December Issues of 2017

*** Indexing ***

IEEE TETC has been selected for coverage by Thomson Reuters. TETC’s 2016 impact factor will be available in the 2017 Journal Citation Report and all articles dating back to the first 2013 issue will be indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded and Journal Citation Reports. IEEE TLT’s impact factor is 1.129 (Thomson Reuters’ 2015 Journal Citation Report).

CALL For PROPOSALS: “Digital Workplace Learning – Bridging Formal and Informal Learning with Digital Technologies”

Submit your proposal for an edited volume on “Digital Workplace Learning – Bridging Formal and Informal Learning with Digital Technologies” to be published by Springer, New York (

Interested scholars should submit a 1-page proposal to Dirk Ifenthaler ( by 01 November 2016, including author’s name (co-authors are welcome), institution, tentative title, chapter outline (max. 300 words), and five keywords. Early submissions are encouraged. All submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review who will recommend full submissions from among the proposals. You may refer to the following website for more information:


Digital learning is defined as any set of technology-based methods that can be applied to support learning and instruction. Emerging opportunities for digital learning include game-based learning, simulations, Massive Open Online Courses, social networks, learning analytics, or mobile applications. For corporate organisations, digital technologies enable the implementation of customised learning environments even on small scale. Hence, access to digital technologies changes learning in the workplace through cost effective delivery modes, easy to access leaning resources, and flexible learning environments. Currently, digital workplace learning is mostly implemented as formal learning environments, for example in the form of cooperate open online courses (COOCs). Yet, the opportunity for digital technology in workplace learning is the support of informal learning and fostering enablers for lifelong learning.


The edited volume “Digital Workplace Learning” aims to provide insights into how digital technologies may bridge and enhance formal and informal workplace learning. It will feature four major themes:

  • Part I. Theory of Digital Workplace Learning: This section includes theoretical perspectives (e.g., self-regulated learning, formal vs. informal learning, motivation, social context) relevant to the issues and challenges educators are facing when implementing digital technologies for workplace learning.
  • Part II. Digital Technologies in Workplace Learning: This section includes insights into available digital technology as well as organisational requirements for technology-enhanced learning in the workplace.
  • Part III. Design, Implementation and Assessment: This section highlights issues and challenges for designing and implementing digital workplace learning as well as includes strategies for assessments of learning in the workplace.
  • Part IV. Case Studies and Innovative Approaches: Contributions to this section will include case studies, empirical research findings, and innovative examples from organisations which successfully adopted digital workplace learning.

Call for Proposals

Prospective authors (co-authors are welcome) are invited to submit a chapter proposal, including title, abstract (max. 300 words), five keywords, and the part of the book (see above) not later than 01 November 2016 to Dirk Ifenthaler (

The proposal should be a previously unpublished work. Upon acceptance of the chapter proposal, the final chapter should be completed not later than 01 May 2017. Contributions will be blind reviewed and returned with comments by 01 June 2017. Finalised chapters are due no later than 01 June 2017. The final contributions should not exceed 20 manuscript pages. Guidelines for preparing chapters will be sent to authors upon acceptance of the proposal.

Proposed Timeline

The following represents a timeline for completing the edited volume:

01 November 2016: Proposal due including title, abstract, keywords
01 December 2016: Notification and additional information for accepted authors
01 May 2017: Draft chapters due
01 June 2017: Chapters returned with reviewers’ comments
01 July 2017: Final chapters due

Inquires and Submissions

Please forward your inquires and submissions to:
Professor Dirk Ifenthaler
Learning, Design and Technology
Business School
University of Mannheim
Twitter: @ifenthaler

TICL Special Issue Call For Papers: Digital Pedagogies And Theories Of Learning & Instruction

Guest Editor: Prof. Vanessa P. Dennen, College of Education, Florida State University

The international journal of Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning is glad to announce a special issue on Digital Pedagogies and Theories of Learning & Instruction. This special issue is now seeking for submissions.

Digital learning environments may have the potential to dramatically change the ways students – and people, in general – learn, and the ways teachers and instructors teach. An iterative learning process occurs when new digital learning environments and pedagogical activities are designed and implemented: educators use what they already know about learning to informs their approach to using new digital technologies, and in turn their use of new digital technologies expands and refines their understanding of how people learn.

Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL) is a journal primarily interested in issues in the intersection point of these four disciplines; its vision is to improve interdisciplinary communication and to promote scientific dialogue on fundamental issues and technological developments having important implications for future advances.

An extraordinary amount of research has been conducted on the use of digital technologies to support learning, whether in formal or informal settings. The purpose of this issue is to promote a discussion of how digital learning environments have helped us better understand (or modify) theories of learning, how data from such environments illuminate “old” theories in a new light, and the main questions that digital learning platforms have raised regarding learning. We welcome manuscripts that present the need for newly developed learning theories (claiming the “old” ones might not be relevant to learning in the digital era) as well as papers that argue (and support their argument) that the very notion of learning has not been changed despite the wide presentation of digital technology. Ideally, papers submitted to this special issue will bridge between current trends in digital learning technologies and traditional, well-established learning theories, with the former strengthening our understanding of the latter.


Topics of interest

This special issue seeks manuscripts that address the relationship between digital learning environments and learning theories across broad and diverse contexts. We welcome manuscripts focused on digital learning in any subject matter area, for any age group, and across learning settings (formal, informal, non-formal, lifelong learning).


Important Dates

October 1, 2016 – Submission of abstracts (up to 500 words)

November 1, 2016 – Authors’ notification (abstracts)

February 15, 2017 – Submission of full papers (see TICL submission guidelines for format)

April 15, 2017 – Authors’ notification (full papers)

August 2017 (expected) – Special issue publication

Please send all submissions and enqueries to the Guest Editor by e-mail.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Women in eLearning

The United States Distance Learning Association’s International Forum for Women in eLearning (IFWE)
San Antonio, Texas
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 – Friday, December 2, 2016


Call for Proposals Now Open!
Due Date: June 17, 2016

USDLA is pleased to present the Call for Proposals for the seventh International Forum for Women in eLearning conference to be heldNovember 30 – December 2, 2016 at the Hotel Contessa, 306 W. Market Street, San Antonio, Texas. ( 2016 conference theme developed by your very creative IFWE 2016 Program Committee is: IFWE: Connecting the eLearning World

To complement the theme, the committee has selected six topic areas in Connect -themed tracks for which we are soliciting presentations. The topic areas are:

  • Making the connection: eLearning access and diversity
  • Interconnection: Networking and developing the leadership of today and tomorrow
  • Linking the connections: Mentoring and “herstory” including your story on how you got involved in distance education
  • Techconnect: Effective use of technology and best practices
  • Disconnect: Recharge your work life balance
  • Re-connect: The role of social media in maintaining and establishing relationships

Presentations are encouraged across a broad perspective of eLearning, as the conference participants typically represent all constituencies and types of eLearning. The primary constituencies include higher education, K-12 education, military, workforce and corporate training, but all are welcome. Please be specific in your description and submission about the topic or topic areas your presentation will primarily target.

We are planning three types of sessions this year:

  • Concurrent Sessions – These sessions provide an opportunity for 1-hour presentations in your field of expertise. Your session should include adequate time for questions at the end of your presentation. (Teams of co-presenters are welcome and encouraged)
  • Pre-conference Workshops– These are 1.5 hour workshops where presenters lead participants in new directions and allow them to practice new skills. Unfortunately, we do not have a facility for computer-based hands-on workshops. (Teams of co-presenters are welcome and encouraged)
  • Poster Sessions – Poster sessions are presented during the IFWE Opening Reception. Poster presenters will be provided a table where they can set up an actual standing poster that describes their project or program. The presenter can also have handouts and other materials on the table. During the poster session, IFWE participants will have a chance to visit with all of the presenters.

We recommend that proposals be specific about the value provided to attendees. Please do not plan to make a sales presentation. Proposals should be focused on innovative issues and working solutions.


Important Requirement: All presenters must register for the full conference.

Proposals are due on June 17, 2016

Review criteria:
IFWE participants will expect well-delivered presentations containing quality information that is of practical value to their day-to-day personal and professional lives. Each proposal will be reviewed by the IFWE Program Committee. Reviewers will look for clear descriptions. Considerable weight is given to proposals that specify session learning objectives and clearly describe why the content will be relevant and valuable to attendees.


Status of Proposals and Notification:
You will be contacted no later than August 19, 2016 about the status of your proposal. If your proposal is accepted, the lead presenter will receive an email containing information relevant to your presentation. Lead presenters are responsible for forwarding all information to their co-presenters.


The conference will provide a standard set up (LCD data/video projector and screen). We have limited space for sessions that require Internet connectivity. If you require Internet, please state that clearly in your proposal. You will need to provide your own laptop computer and speakers if your presentation requires sound. House sound will not be provided in the session rooms.


Preparing your proposal:
Please be specific and clear when you provide the required information requested on the electronic proposal submission system. Please make note of the email you use to create your profile and the Registrant ID you are assigned when in the system.


You can edit your proposal before submitting by entering the system using your Email address and Registrant ID. Please note that only proposals that are submitted will be reviewed by the Program Committee. You may edit your proposal until June 17, 2016.  Once a proposal is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation.


Please contact Kim Airasian at with any questions or technical problems regarding your proposal submission.

Good luck with your proposal!
We look forward to seeing you at IFWE 2016!

Submit Your Proposal Today!

CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Technology-Centric Strategies for Higher Education Administration


Dr. Purnendu Tripathi, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India
Dr. Siran Mukerji, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: May 25, 2016
Full Chapters Due: July 15, 2016
Submission Date: November 15, 2016


Technologically Sustainable and Accessible Higher Education is new found theme of researchers, practitioners and educators across the globe. Due emphasis is now laid upon integrating the modes offered by technology for not only creating a sustainable educational environment but also providing quality driven accessible support services to the target group. Evidently, the area of Higher Education Administration needs to be analyzed from this perspective. With greater emphasis on integration of technology with education and trans-national collaboration amongst the Universities, Technology centric Higher Education Administration is a specialized area with ample research taking place in applying technology in Administration policy, governance, marketing, leadership and development etc. in Higher Education.

A background research of available literature on Technology assisted Higher Education revealed that there is a need for the Book on Technology assisted Higher Education Administration. Existing books on similar and related titles of Higher Education Management clearly shows that although there is significant amount of literature on Higher Education Administration as a whole but a Book on Technology centric Higher Education Administration and that too in the context of Research Studies/ Case Studies from Trans-national perspective is yet to be published. Hence, there is an urgent need to fill the gap with a Book on Technology Centric Higher Education covering the domain of Learning environment, Administration, Policy, Leadership, Governance, Marketing and Transnational Collaboration with a holistic perspective focusing on Higher Education.
Therefore, this book is proposed to be a sincere effort to collaborate with researchers to share their research studies, case studies, innovations and good practices in the various conceptual, functional and operational dimension of technology centric Higher Education Administration.


The Book has been planned and proposed to address the core issues of Technology centric Management, Governance, Administration, Leadership, Policy and Marketing etc. in the domain of Higher Education including Distance Education and non formal education with the following set of objectives:
a. To present a comprehensive volume of Research Studies/ Case Studies on Trans-national Technological and Institutional collaboration amongst institutions of Higher Education and related areas;
b. To provide the audience a comparative and analytical perspective of various issues like Technology centric learning environment, Management, Governance, Policy, Marketing etc. in Higher Education institutions, their educational programs and support services and the related issues in the context of international competition; and
c. To highlight the strategic framework adopted by Higher Education Institutions and policies of developing and advocating sustainable educational programs and student services in order to successfully meet global competitive challenges, thus having competitive advantage over other institutions.
Accordingly, the mission of this book is to provide an international platform to the technology end users, educational administrators, policy makers, teachers and researchers, educational program managers and developers, educators, trainers, educational marketing specialists etc. to contribute and share their research studies, experiences, ideas, attitudes and perspectives on how institutions in their respective countries are addressing the core issues of management of higher education towards providing quality and internationally accredited higher education.

Target Audience

The proposed book is perceptibly expected to be very useful for upper – level course supplement especially in Masters and Doctorate level programs in Higher Education Technology, Higher Education Management, Educational Administration, Marketing Management, Services Marketing, Educational Management, Higher Education Planning and Management, Higher Education Administration and Leadership, Policy on Higher Education, Higher Education Marketing as a specialized stream because students and researchers would get good deal of detailed and comparative resource as strategies, experiences and challenges in a single volume.
It is expected that this book would certainly be useful as a library reference in all the face to face as well as blended learning mode institutions of not only higher education but also non formal education including that imparted by community colleges, vocational education, distance education , skill enhancement and competence development etc around the world due to its comprehensive and comparative character.

The proposed publication is expected to be of use to the following audience:

a. Higher Education Policy makers and Administrators, Educators, Trainers and Teachers, and Researchers in Technology enabled learning environments: The proposed book will provide a comparative and comprehensive analysis of use of technology in higher education, administration, policy , Leadership and its overall management of various issues across the world and also highlight best practices and experiences from the varied range of countries. The audience of this book will benefit by having a single volume focussing on all these aspects. It will act as a good resource book for researchers in Technology centric Higher Education Environments and its administration besides for the scholars in Educational Management, Marketing of Educational Programs, Higher Education and Management and Development of Education. By concentrating on various experiences and perspectives across the world, scholars of different institutions through the present volume will get to know about latest advancements and applications of technology , management and administration ideas in higher education of other countries thus can apply and adopt these as best practices in their own institutions.

b. Educational Program Managers, Support Services Managers, External Relation, partnership managers and Business Development officers: Since the book is concentrating on the core issue of technology centric educational management in Higher Education from trans-national perspective so it is expected that this book would provide a comprehensive insight into key international collaborative strategies for higher educational institutions.

Recommended Topics

Technology in Higher Education Administration
Higher Education Management
Higher Education Administration and Leadership
Policy on Higher Education
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Social Media in Higher Education
Virtual Spaces and Higher Education
Cross-cultural Virtual Classrooms in Higher Education
Flexible e-learning for Higher Education
Technology for Sustainable Educational Development
Technology for Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Programs and Support Services
Technology for Transnational Partnership and Collaboration in Education
Technology in Transnational Strategies for Higher Education
Hypermedia-based Learning Environments
Learning Management Systems
Online Teaching Partnerships
Blogging for effective Higher Education
International Blended Learning Programs
Online Global Knowledge Partnership
Blended Assessment Methods in Higher Education
Virtual Teacher Training
Support Services for Students in Higher Education
Technology for Marketing of Higher Education
Services Marketing in Higher Education
Higher Education Administration in Distance Education Institutions
Higher Education Development and Leadership
Management and Development in Higher Education
Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Training and Development in Higher Education
Transnational Higher Education Collaboration through international partnerships
Curriculum Development Strategies for International Outreach
Higher Educational opportunities for Rural and Inaccessible Areas
Management Training in Higher Education
Collaborative Knowledge Construction
Skill Development and Competence based Higher Education
Community Colleges and Collaborative Educational Environments
Ethical issues in Higher Education Marketing
Green marketing for Higher Education
Network Marketing of Higher Educational Institutions
Quality, Gap Analysis, and e-Grievance Redressal for Institutional Support Services
Societal Marketing and Higher Education

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before 25th May 2016, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter at Authors will be notified by 30th May 2016 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by 15th July 2016, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process. All proposals should be submitted through the E-Editorial Discovery online submission manager.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2017.

Important Dates

May 25, 2016: Proposal Submission Deadline
May 30, 2016: Notification of Acceptance of Proposal
July 15, 2016: Full Chapter Submission
September 15, 2016: Review Results Returned
October 5, 2016: Revised Chapter Submission
October 20, 2016: Final Acceptance Notification
November 15, 2016: Final Chapter Submission


Dr. Purnendu Tripathi
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India
Dr. Siran Mukerji
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India