Call for Chapters
Book Title Designing, Developing, and Delivering Online Education to 21st Century Learners
Vance Vaughn, Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Tyler
Gary Miller, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Tyler
Yanira OliverasOrtiz, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Tyler
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission Deadline: March 1, 2015
Full Chapters Due: May 30, 2015
For release in the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration
NCPEA Press Production
President: James Berry
ISSN Or ISBN: assigned later
NCPEA Press prides itself on providing quality research in the pursuit of knowledge to education professionals as well as those students who will soon be in leadership positions. Their many book publications are invaluable in accomplishing this task.
Online educational leadership (EL) preparation programscontinue to gain popularity. This popularity not only increases the need for quality online programs but from an instructional standpoint prompts the need for resources explaining the strengths and areas of concern—a book such as ours. Students must benefit from the technological advancements our profession has to offer. When students enroll in EL preparation programs, they expect a quality online preparation program but there are inherent needs involved unique to online learning environments. Additionally, institutions that hire thesegraduates must have the courage and faith in our online preparation programs. This book will provide professors of online EL preparation programs a tool in which they can put into the hands of students to maximize students’ learning experiences, and bring those experiences as close to face-to-face as technologically possible.
This edited book will provide a clear picture of online development in EL preparation programs and will demonstrate and characterize online EL preparation in action. In addition, the book will serve as an instructional tool for EL professors to use with their students. The book’s intent is to act as an informational document—an instructional manual with an accompanying student manual that contains online strategies and interactivesessions a professor would use in his or her class. For example, contributors would include a lesson that professors have already designed so that the book can serve as a class instructional tool.
The mission of this book is to provide a better understanding of EL preparation programs, so when online programs are compared to face-to-face, an accurate evaluation is possible. Furthermore, we hope this book be used as an instructional tool to provide well-designed curriculum, instruction, and assessment teaching modules based on data driven instruction producing quality educational leaders for our districts and schools. Otherwise, online programs will continue to be unfairly scrutinized. Perhaps this comprehensive text, the first of its kind, will find its way into every educational leadership professor’s office, in the hands of every education student, and in the hearts and minds of employers who might be considering employing education graduates. It is our contention that school districts have to believe that online programs are preparing the type of leaders they need on their campuses.
Target Audience
Educational leadership professors and their online students will primarily use the book. However, because of its heavy emphasis on online teaching and learning, it could easily become an important resource for other college professors and in a variety of masters and doctoral level programs. The book will focus on educational leadership and the development of online courses in particular the principalship, online learning, current and emerging technologies, and quality design. It is the editors’ hope the book emerges into a global and iconic resource.
Recommended Topics
Contributors are welcome to submit chapters on the following topics relating to educational leadership and developing online courses, especially the principalship, online learning, current and emerging technologies, and quality design. In each chapter, examples of instructional design must be included. Consider these topics in an online environment andwrite your chapter accordingly.
• Reflections from a successful first year professor teaching in an online environment
• Reflections from an experienced professor teaching in an online environment
• Reflections from a practicing educational leader who completed an online program
• Best technology practices: Blackboard and other programs or resources
• Online lectures vs. interactive lessons
• Busy work: Chapter reading vs. relevant rigorous assignments
• Engaging students in meaningful instructional/curricular online conversations
• Aspiring principals’ action research projects: Catalysts for change
• Block/thematic structure of program
• Practicum: Not just a time log – how to make the most from the experience when visiting students is not possible
• Establishing working relationships with students while working online (bringing the human element into the online environment)
• Importance of relevant and meaningful feedback to the development of leadership knowledge and skills
• Developing collaboration skills while working online
• Developing presentation skills
• How to develop decision-making skills through online courses
• How to model or/and teach concepts and content through online courses
• Tools available for online exams and quizzes (the strengths and challenges of each in comparing and contrasting assessments)
Submission Procedure
Contributors are invited to submit on or before March 1, 2015, a 23 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission, priorities, structure and format of his/her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 30, 2015 about the status of their proposals and chapter guidelines will be sent accordingly. All submitted chapters are subject to double blind reviews. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
All proposals should be submitted to
This book is scheduled to be published by NCPEA Press. Please visit
This publication is anticipated to be released in January 2016.
Important Dates
• March 1, 2015: First proposal deadline
• March 30, 2015: Notification of proposal acceptance
• May 30, 2015: Full chapter submission
• June 30, 2015: Review results returned to authors
• July 31, 2015: Revised chapter submission
• August 31, 2015: Final acceptance notifications
• September 30, 2015: Submission of final chapters
• November 1, 2015: Final deadline
Dr. Vance Vaughn
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Tyler
Department of Educational
3900 University Blvd Tyler, TX 75799