Quality in Online Programs: Approaches and Practices in Higher Education
Swapna Kumar & Patricia Arnold, Editors
A Book in the Series “Leadership and Best Practices in Educational Technology Management” (Brill/AECT) – Christopher Miller and Anthony Piña, Series Editors
The book will focus on approaches and practices adopted for quality assurance, measurement, and management in online programs within higher education. There is an abundance of literature on online course design, facilitation, and quality, but fewer resources for those looking to create, improve, and evaluate online programs in higher education. Chapters in this book will provide cases about how leaders, programs or institutions implemented, measured, and sustained quality in online programs, and will end with specific resources and recommendations for others.
We welcome chapter proposals that address the following topics related to quality in online programs:
– Educational technology and instructional design support
– Quality assurance and continuous improvement procedures
– Program outcomes, student retention, student professional growth, etc.
– Curriculum quality and learning effectiveness
– Online student support and satisfaction
– Accessibility and diversity
– Online student advising and mentoring
– Online community-building
– Faculty development and support
– Faculty engagement and satisfaction
– Support and professional development for leaders/administrators
– Quality of internships/practicum/projects
– Quality in online program processes (e.g. admissions, orientations, library/career services)
– Institutional policies and strategy
We also welcome proposals on other topics that are not included in the list above, but that focus on online program quality.
Chapters will be under 6000 words and include:
- the context (of the online program or online programs at an institutional level)
- the implementation of quality assurance and measurement procedures, with provision of background or rationale for the decisions made
- the processes, instruments or methods used
- lessons learned, and outcomes/impact
- best practice recommendations for program leaders/other institutions.
We request brief proposals by September 5, 2020 that will include:
- The title of the chapter
- Details of author(s) and contact information
- Description (under 1000 words) of the proposed focus of the chapter, including the implementation context (institution/online program), quality assurance procedures or methods, and lessons learned/impact.
Proposals can be submitted at
Timeline and Deadlines
Proposal Abstract Submission: September 5, 2020
Decisions to Authors: September 20, 2020
Full Submission of chapters: December 5, 2020
Peer Review process: December 10-February 1, 2021
Authors notified of peer-review feedback: February 15, 2021
Revised book chapters due: March 25, 2021
Final feedback: April 20, 2021
Final chapters due from authors: May 20, 2021
Please direct questions and inquiries to:
Dr. Swapna Kumar, University of Florida, swapnak@ufl.edu
Dr. Patricia Arnold, Munich University of Applied Sciences, arnold@hm.edu