Category Archives: From my inbox

Subtractive Visual Design by Connie Malamed

elearning coach

I am a big fan of Connie Malamed’s blog — “The eLearning Coach

I recently saw this great post about subtractive visual design

“Visual design is an act of problem solving. You have a message to communicate and you seek to find a visual way to express this message. During the design process, you create graphics and text and organize them on the screen in the most effective way you can.”

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Presence in E-learning : Theoretical Model and Perspectives for Research

From my inbox:
I recently came across the following article on presence written by Annie Jézégou titled: Presence in E-learning : Theoretical Model and Perspectives for Research.

This article proposes a model of presence in e-learning that has some similarities with but also some important distinctions from the model of community of inquiry in e-learning (Garrison & Anderson, 2003). It addresses the notion of presence from a different angle, characterizes and specifies it differently. The author outlines the epistemological referents of the model proposed. Then, she describes the interaction processes at work in each of the three dimensions of the model: socio-cognitive presence (1), socio-affective presence (2) and pedagogical presence (3). She also provides a schematic representation of this model. Then, she shows how its three dimensions can be related to each another and presents the main hypotheses that result from these relations. In conclusion, the author outlines that theoretical and empirical research is needed to confirm the relevance of the model proposed, to identify its strengths and to suggest axes for improvement.

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