Great Deal on a Domain Name & Hosting for Academics Developing a Web Presence

I am interested in how technology changes the way we communicate and the way we live! I have written some recently about the importance of developing an intentional web presence.

Lowenthal, P. R., & Dunlap, J. C. (2012, July/August). Intentional web presence: 10 SEO strategies every academic needs to know. EDUCAUSE Review Online.

In this article, Joni Dunlap and I talk about how easy it is to set up a personal website using a tool like Google Sites and a personal domain for about $10 a year. This is great for beginners but academics — especially those in our field of Instructional Design and Technology — often need something more powerful.

Google Offers just announced a deal to get a domain name and a year of hosting through for $40. This is a great deal! While you can often find deals to get a year’s worth of hosting and a domain name for about $60-65 a year, $40 is a steal!

For more information, check out the offer.

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