Tag Archives: Online Teaching

2011 NWeLearn Conference: Recordings

South Seattle Community College has archives from the 2011 Northwest eLearn Conference posted on their website: http://sites.southseattle.edu/tlc/Home/2011nwelearnconferencerecordings

Descriptions of Recorded Sessions below are outlined in this schedule (link)
  1. Advanced Angel & Angel 8.0 Jump-Start = Tegrity Recording
  2. Instructional Design for Online & Blended Courses = MediaSite Recording
  3. Designing Learning Experiences with Moodle Joule 2 = Tegrity Recording
  4. Assessing Learning Gains Using Online Tools = MediaSite Recording
  5. From Meh…to Enhanced Media Courses = MediaSite Recording
  6. iPads and Education: The Flexibility Factor (first 60 mins)
    = MediaSite Recording
  7. Using Video Production Tools in the Classroom (last 60 mins) = MediaSite Recording
  8. Lessons Learned from the Open Course Library = Tegrity Recording
  9. Making Quality Matters Work for Your School = Tegrity Recording
  10. Rocket Surgery 101: Simple DIY Usability Testing to Improve = Tegrity Recording
  11. Teaching Partially Clothed: For Those Not Ready for “Naked” = MediaSite Recording
  12. Putting Faculty & Students First: Impacting Educator Efficiency = Tegrity Recording
  13. Students, Faculty and Privacy in the Web 2.0 World = MediaSite Recording
  14. Can elearning platforms transfer know-why knowledge? = Tegrity Recording
  15. Teaching Online – Guidelines to Support Online Faculty = MediaSite Recording
  16. Digital Course Material Strategy = Tegrity Recording
  17. Bringing eLearning to the ABE & ESL Classroom = Collaborate Recording
  18. Implementing Online Culturally Relevant Graduate Programs = Tegrity Recording
  19. New Tools and Strategies for Collaborative Learning = MediaSite Recording
  20. 3D Rubric for Online Course Creation & Auditing = Tegrity Recording
  21. Engaging Diverse Generations in Online Learning = MediaSite Recording
  22. Quality Assurance & Mentoring in an Online Program = MediaSite Recording
  23. Building Community in the Online Classroom = Tegrity Recording

Best Practices in Online Teaching

Jeff Geronimo from the Faculty Development & Instructional Design Center at NIU recently presented the following:

“Online teaching presents a unique set of challenges that require clear definition of faculty performance. Research shows that specific strategies can support and enhance the teaching and learning process. During this online workshop offered 2/22/2013, we examined and discussed best practices that promote successful online experiences including planning and management, teaching techniques, and assessing and evaluating students. Participants discovered different ways to facilitate these strategies during all phases of an online course. | view podcast in iTunes | view mp4

Best Practices in Online Teaching from Faculty Development on Vimeo.

Northwest eLearning Conference Presentation on Establishing Social Presence

I presented at the Northwest eLearn conference last week. The conference was great and I had a blast in Portland. The slides from my presentation on Establishing Social Presence are below:

View at slides: http://www.slideshare.net/plowenthal

Call for Papers for a special issue on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT at http://jolt.merlot.org/) has just released a Call for Papers for a special issue on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), to be published in Summer (June) 2013. The Guest Editors of the special issue are George Siemens (Athabasca University), Valerie Irvine (University of Victoria), and Jillianne Code (University of Victoria).

Proposals in the form of extended abstracts (500 words) are due on November 15, 2012, with full manuscripts due on January 31, 2013.

The full Call for Papers is available at the following URL:


Please feel free to share this information with others who you think might be interested.

Mark J. W. Lee (Charles Sturt University)
Editor, MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)
Email: jolteditor@merlot.org