Tag Archives: Social Networking


I am a huge fan of SlideShare (www.slideshare.net) and other presentation hosting tools. If for no other reason, these tools allow me — I no longer print out copies of my slides to handout (which by the way I have argued elsewhere is never a good idea because we should instead be thinking about how we can hand out short, ideally, one page handouts). But these tools offer many other benefits:

–Makes one’s work available to a larger audience
–Gives one easy place to direct people to (e.g., go to www.slideshare.net/plowenthal to see my presentations…)
–Allows one the ability to track how many times their presentations have been viewed, added as a favorite, tweeted
–Allows one the ability to embed presentations across multiple web sites and learning management systems
–The ability to find others with similar interests
–Share one’s work with other educators
–Find open education resources for one’s class

And the list goes on. But I just noticed that you can also create playlists. So here is an example of a SlideShare playlist.

Using Twitter and other Social Networking Tools in the Classroom

Joni Dunlap and I presented about our instructional uses of Twitter in the classroom at EDUCAUSE 2009. Our PowerPoint slides from that session can be viewed online.

These slides alone however don't capture the story we told at our presentation. Luckily, after doing some networking, I got an opportunity to talk to the editor of EDUCAUSE Quarterly (EQ) who mentioned that she was looking for an article for the next issue of EQ focused on Twitter. That was all the motivation Joni and I needed. We ended up writing Horton Hears a Tweet and it was published in the December of 2009 in EQ. If you get a chance, give it a read. We focus on the reasons why someone might use social networking in general and about our personal experience using Twitter. Give a read or even better, give it a tweet.

Dunlap, J. C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (2009). Horton hears a tweet. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 32(4).