NUTN NETWORK 2013 – Learning, Technology and Innovation in Higher Education: Beyond the Hype
Call for Proposals
The National University Technology Network (NUTN) provides networking and professional development opportunities for innovative leaders in the advancement of teaching and learning. Given the extraordinary challenges and opportunities for higher education in ever-changing environments, NUTN NETWORK 2013 focuses on the key elements of Learning/Technology/Innovation, their interrelationships, support and models for effectiveness and success.
The NUTN Network will bring together innovative and emerging leaders to network in small and large group discussions about where higher education is moving and how to succeed. Presenters will include college and university presidents, administrators, entrepreneurs, funders, accrediting agencies, online providers, and the media
The Call for Proposals is seeking presentations which go beyond the hype — ones that share and offer deep insight into the challenges of using technology for constructive innovation throughout higher education. NUTN NETWORK 2013 is particularly interested in proposals which focus on academic, administrative, and policy innovations that support learning in new ways. Areas of particular interest include:
- Innovations in non-formal learning such as Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), prior learning assessment, competency-based education models, and other emerging trends.
- Innovations in institutional strategic decision making such as offering lower-cost degree model, changing institutional culture, and deploying rapid change throughout the institution.
- Innovations in assessing student and individual success such as implementing quality metrics for institutions, using data analytics constructively, implementing e-portfolios effectively, and broadening measures of institutional and student success.
- Topics with an international focus such as preparing students for globalization, international trends affecting education in North America, and developing international partnerships.
- Promoting learning-centered education through such techniques as using cutting edge technologies effectively, designing programs and courses strategically, and integrating events into the educational process.
NUTN NETWORK 2013 is an event designed to enable you to spend your time learning from others through networking — and presentation. The Call for Proposals is seeking three types of sessions:
- Concurrent Sessions are 45-minute presentations on topic areas as described above. But please, no forced marches through Powerpoint slides — proposal submissions should indicate how the proposed session will allow plenty of time for discussion, Q&A, and other forms of audience interaction. Concurrent sessions can be done by individuals; mini-panels of two or three presenters are encouraged.
- Hot Topics Sessions are 45-minute facilitated discussions in which the session leader(s) will pose a provocative question or two, get a discussion started, then keep the discussion rolling. Proposal submissions which identify specific topics and explain what techniques will be used to facilitate discussion are highly encouraged. Two rules of thumb: session leaders spend more time facilitating than presenting, and they speak for no more than five minutes at a time before facilitating an interaction among the audience members.
- Flipped Sessions allow presenters to send materials ahead of time to participants, so that the time during the session itself is used for discussion and networking.
Call Closes May 3 | Presenters Notified May 31 | Presenters Acceptance Due by June 21
Kind Regards,
John Sener & Dr. Karen Vignare
NUTN 2013 Conference Co-Chairs