Free webcasts from AECT 2013

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AECT Members,

We are pleased to announce the following sessions will be webcast LIVE from AECT 2013 in Anaheim:

Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. PST
Presidential Session: “Learning From Media” Debate: Is the Grocery Truck Analogy still valid 30 years later?
Presenter: Richard Clark

Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013, 4:45 to 6:00 p.m. PST
General Session: AECTX
Presenters: Ali Carr-Chellman, Thomas C. Reeves & David Wiley

Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013 9:15-10:15 PST
General Session: Learning, Problem Solving, and Mindtools- Honoring David H. Jonassen
Presenters: Mary Herring, Brent Wilson, Scott Warren, Michael Hannafin, Rose Marra, Barbara Lockee, Sharon Smaldino, J. Michael Spector

Friday, Nov. 1, 2013 9:15-10:15 PST
General Session: How & Why to Become Net Smart – Learning Essential Social Media Literacies
Presenter: Howard Rheingold

Go to to gain free live access to these sessions as they are presented during our convention. Also, these recordings will also be available on our AECT YouTube web channel sometime after the convention. Enjoy!


2013 Convention Planning Committee

The Association for Educational Communications & Technology
320 W. 8th Street. Suite 101
Bloomington, Indiana 47404

Office: 812-335-7675
Fax: 812-335-7678
Toll-Free 1-877-677-2328

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