Learner Engagement SIG Webinar Series:
Engaging Learning: Integrating Education and Experience
Date/Time: March 7, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Eastern Time
Presenter: Clark Quinn, PhD., Executive Director, Quinnovation
Join us for the first webinar.
If you look closely at the elements of successful instructional practice and those of engaging experiences, you find an alignment that suggests learning can, and should, be ‘hard fun’. Putting that into practice, however, is rife with opportunities to go awry. In this presentation, we’ll go through the hard-won lessons in 35+ years of designing learning games and experiences, and provide guidance about systematic revisions to the design process. Come see how to successfully integrate engagement into learning design.
Facilitator: Matt Yauk, Ohio State University (Contact Matt, yauk.1@osu.edu, for questions about this webinar)
This session is free to attend, but pre-registration is required. Please click the link to register: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/
Please mark your calendars for our second and third webinars. More details will follow:
March 20, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Eastern Time
Presenter: Tonia Dousay, PhD., Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences, University of Idaho
Title: Mistaking Disenchantment for Truth: How Do We Measure Learner Engagement?
April 26, 1:00 – 2:00 PM, Eastern Time
Presenter: Daniel Hickey, PhD., Professor of Learning Sciences, Indiana University
Title: Expansive Framing for Productive Online Engagement, Generative Learning, and Enduring Achievement.
Notes. Please join the Learner Engagement SIG by requesting membership through the LinkedIn group at (bit.ly/LearnerEngagement} or Facebook at (bit.ly/LearnEngageFB). You can also follow us on Twitter @LearnEngage