Theories of Learning and Instruction for Digital Education. A special Issue for Revistas de Educación a Distancia (
Special Issue Editors: Dr. Richard E. West, Brigham Young University,
Dr. Miguel Zapata Ros, Universidad de Murcia
Deadline to submit manuscripts: 1 Enero, 2020
Estimated Publication Date: October,2020.
This special issue celebrates 40 years of technology-assisted education and learning since the important appearance of Seymour Papert’s book Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas. Similarly to how Papert fostered both technological, pedagogical, and theoretical development with his scholarship, we know that theories of learning and instruction remain important to organizing education and learning in digital and connected environments. In this special issue, we seek papers that follow in this tradition by showcasing how rigorous theoretical work is essential to the success of technology-mediated teaching and learning.
With this special issue, we ask ourselves these questions: What are the effective theories of learning and instruction for digital, connected environments?
Types of Articles Solicited
Articles will be published in either English and/or Spanish/Castilian, and will be openly licensed and accessible. We see the following types of articles:
- Articles synthesizing existing theoretical work, and applying it to teaching and learning in innovative ways
- Articles proposing new theoretical models and frameworks, based on rigorous argumentation and prior research
- Articles showcasing how theoretical work has impacted the development of technology and pedagogy
- Articles proposing standards and guidelines for developing strong theoretical contriutions to our field.
Publication Deadlines
- Before January 1st, 2020 – Outlines may be submitted for feedback from the editor(s). This is not required, but may be helpful in preparing your paper.
- January 1st, 2020 – Deadline for receiving full articles. Decisions will be provided by March 1, 2020
- April 1st, 2020 – Revised papers received, with editorial feedback by May 15, 2020
- June 15, 2020 – Revised papers (if more revision is needed) received; with final editorial feedback by July 15, 2020.
- August 1, 2020 – Final copyediting and proofs approved
- September 1st, special issue ready for publication.
- October 1-31, special issue edition
Submission Procedures
Article proposals can be sent to RED: and
The instructions for authors and the different types of articles can be seen at
Information about the Journal
The RED journal is indexed and evaluated in
Web of Science
And in the main international standards and repositories:
Revista de Educacióna Distanciais a leading journal related to online learning and technology-mediated education. With a Google Scholar h-index of 20 (h5 median of 37), it is one of the most highly cited journals in the world.This journal publishes all articles with a CC-BY license with no article processing charges.