Call for Proposal Special Section: Designing for Learning in a Pandemic

The International Journal of Designs for Learning calls for proposals for a special section – Designs for Learning in a Pandemic. While everything right now is not ordinary, we call for authors to submit a design case that sets it apart from the “not ordinary”. Examples of the range of desired Designs for Learning in a Pandemic cases include:
• Learning in a K-12 or higher education setting
• Learning in a workplace [non-educational] setting
• Learning across borders of all kinds
• Training for first responders and critical workers
• Teaching in manufacturing settings shifting to making PPE or ventilators
• Teaching in local communities facing a different way of everyday life

We are requesting a brief proposal by Friday,
July 3, 2020. Article proposals will include:
• Design case title
• Short description [75-100 words, single spaced]
• Abstract [under 1000 words, single spaced]
• Author contact information

Authors will be notified by July 10, 2020. Please send your proposal to the Designs for Learning in a Pandemic guest section editor John Baaki at

More information at: