Tag Archives: Poll Everywhere

Polling Software

I became interested in polling software when I started ranting about the problems with the typical use of PowerPoint and poor decisions made by presenters. [For more on this see: “Situational Qualities Exhibited by Exceptional Presenters,” “Improving the Design of PowerPoint Presentations,” & “Review of the book, The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint“]

But I teach mostly online so I began thinking about the value of polling and using “clickers” in the online classroom. Last year, Joni Dunlap and I contributed an idea about using polling software in the online classroom to Shank’s Online Learning Idea Book:

Lowenthal, P. R., & Dunlap, J. C. (2011). Online classroom clickers. In P. Shank (Ed.), The
online learning idea book: Proven ways to enhance technology-based and blended
(vol. 2; pp. 171-174). San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

I just found out (after reading EdSurge Newsletter 084) that Poll Everywhere has a comparison chart of various web-based “polling” software. EdSurge lists the main points of comparison:

Company Cost for average K-12 teacher (40 students)

To see the complete list, visit: http://www.polleverywhere.com/vs

Are there any other web-based polling software tools that Poll Everywhere left out?